


    毕业论文关键词  地铁,停站时间,功率均衡,遗传算法,运图优化


    Title    Research on power balance of subway substation  based on timetable optimization             

    Abstract Metro has the advantage of punctuality and low per capital energy consumption, but its power surge that will cause damage to equipment, is large. So a systematic analysis of the subway operation power is studied. And research on the method of metro power balance is very essential for economic benefits improvement.

    This paper first describes the development of rail transportation, the main methods and the existing achievements on it. Then the paper explains how to optimize the dwell time to achieve power balance on several aspects as follows: 1) The simple calculation model of metro power-supply system is established. Finally, based on the former works, a dynamic simulation model of DC traction power supply system is established.2) Based on the dynamic simulation of the system, a power-balanced model which based on dwell time optimization is proposed. Due to the very high complexity of the problem, the application of Genetic Algorithms is proposed and examined in a case study for the ideal model;3)Based on the ideal model, a simplified model of Nanjing Metro Line one is optimized to generate a timetable which has the minimum average power peaks. 

    Keywords  metro, dwell time, power balance , Genetic Algorithms(GA), timetable optimization


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1 地铁直流供电系统仿真计算 2

    1.2.2 基于停站时间优化的功率均衡研究 3

    1.3 本文的主要研究内容及方法 3

    2 直流牵引系统组成结构及其等效电路分析 5

    2.1直流牵系统供电方式 5

    2.2直流牵引变电所等效电路分析 5

    2.3 列车等效电路分析 9

    2.4接触网等效电路分析 10

    2.5 时变电网络系统模型及仿真算法 11

    2.6 本章小结 14

    3 基于遗传算法的变电站功率均衡研究 14

    3.1 遗传算法 14

    3.1.1遗传算法的基本概念 14

    3.1.2遗传机制 14


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