

    毕业论文关键词  闪电  云地闪电  闪电通道  闪电特性  OpenGL  渲染  纹理  


    Title   Simulation of Lightning Based on texture mapping                    


    Abstract This paper relies on the eighth of Aerospace Academy cooperation project ‘×× warfare simulation visualization platform’. It provides the simulation of lightning background for ×× confrontation to enhance the realism of the simulation system. In this paper, simulation of lightning is based on texture mapping. It mainly discusses problems solved and development technology used in research. This paper first introduces lightning which is a complex natural phenomena, and some basic knowledge of lightning, then expounds several popular lightning simulation methods, various kinds of influence factors, specifically the method of texture mapping to simulate lighting. Finally the paper discusses the research results of lightning simulation. The purpose of this paper is to simulate lightning phenomena in nature by computer, and can be widely applied to increase the realism of virtual world.

    Keywords  Lightning   Cloud-to-ground Lightning    Lightning Channel   Lightning Characteristics    OpenGL   Rendering    Texture

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  背景介绍 1

    1.1.1 闪电概述 1

    1.1.2 闪电形成的原因 1

    1.1.3 闪电的结构 2

    1.1.4 闪电的类型 2

    1.2  闪电模拟的研究进展 5

    1.3  小结 6

    2  主要的闪电模拟方法 7

    2.1  闪电的物理性质和几何性质 7

    2.1.1 闪电的物理性质 7

    2.1.2 闪电的几何性质 8

    2.2  基于物理模型的模拟方法 8

    2.2.1 模型介绍 8

    2.2.2 DBM模型 9

    2.3  基于粒子系统的模拟方法 9

    2.3.1 粒子系统模拟闪电模型 9

    2.3.2 粒子系统模拟小结 10

    2.4  基于分形几何的模拟闪电的方法

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