



    毕业论文关键词  真空断路器  驱动电路  永磁机构  ARM  IGBT


    Title    Design of a Driving Circuit for Permanent Magnet    Switch                                           


    To drive permanent magnet 10kV vacuum circuit breaker, so that it can adapt to breaking load current, overload current and short-circuit current for rural, urban and small power system. According to the practical experience and technical knowledge, we research and develop a kind of driving circuit for permanent magnet switch.

    This paper analyzes the working principle of permanent magnet switch and its driving circuit, while the design process of the hardware and software were elaborated. The controller is mainly based on the ARM micro controller LPC2366, driving the IGBT bridge circuit to control the charge and discharge of coil in the permanent magnet actuator. The functions of AC sampling, determining fault, sending message, driving switch are included. The system mainly consists of the control unit, AC sampling module, electronic driving module and so on. Hardware design includes chip selection and circuit design, software design includes write drivers, package performance function and its application.

    According to the test, the switch drive circuit match practical applications. It can drive circuit breaker efficiently at the right time which improve the reliability of power supply.

    Keywords  Vacuum Circuit Breaker,  Driving Circuit,  Permanent Magnet Actuator,  ARM, IGBT

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  本文主要工作 3

    2  永磁开关驱动原理 4

    2.1  永磁机构驱动原理 4

    2.2  电路故障原理 5

    2.3  IGBT桥式驱动电路原理 5

    3  系统总体设计 6

    4  系统硬件设计 6

    4.1  电源模块设计 7

    4.2  核心控制模块设计 9

    4.3  交流采样模块设计 11

    4.4  电子驱动模块设计

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