



    毕业论文关键词:高超声速飞行器  线性化 解耦   极点配置  LQR  PMF


    Title Robust  stabilization and simulation based on longitudinal decoupling model of hypersonic vehicle                                         


         Hypersonic (Hypersonic) aircraft is flying faster than Mach 5 (Mach) of the aircraft, as a near-space vehicle, its research and development of military strategy and peaceful use of space is of great significance, has become an international aerospace research hotspot. The topics to U.S. NASA developed the Hyper-X series of hypersonic aircraft as the background for hypersonic vehicles in a wide range of highly nonlinear, strong coupling, parameters such as time-varying characteristics of the linearization of the nonlinear model decoupling techniques, and study its equilibrium point at a specific longitudinal decoupled linear model robust stabilization control method and its simulation. Papers main work is as follows:

         First, access to information, the establishment of hypersonic vehicle models. Hypersonic vehicle selected for a balance, through the hypersonic vehicle flight environment and the model itself to make reasonable assumptions, its model number, concrete, and use its linear perturbation theory. Using pole placement design aircraft altitude, speed controller. LQR method to ensure a rapid response. Finally, the actual model PMF method follows the reference model output, making it robust stabilization.

       Keywords: linear decoupling hypersonic vehicle pole configuration  LQR  PMF

                                目   次  

    1 绪论1

    1.1选题背景和意义… 1

    1.2 高超声速飞行器控制系统研究概述1

    2 高超声速飞行器模型 …4

    2.1 引言…4

    2.2 高超声速飞行器建模…4

    2.3 本章小结 9



    3.2 模型线性化…12


    3.4 本章小结14

    4 高超声速飞行器线性模型的仿真和控制14


    4.2 LQR方法分析18

    4.3 本章小结20

    5 基于PMF的高超声速飞行器容错控制…21

    5.1 引言21

    5.2 问题描述23

    5.3 增益设计24

    5.4 仿真验证25

    5.5 本章小结28


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