





    Title    Image recognition system design based on feature extraction                     


    "Figure generation of gun system, namely the at gun sights on its own field of image analysis and evaluation of the system, instead of the live firing training. By tracking target image intake subsystem, data acquisition and preservation system and the analysis of image processing and evaluation system of three parts. Image analysis processing and evaluation system is the core of this paper the research and development module. From the sight view to absorb all black (or white) standard target image analysis processing, interpretation aiming symbol of great beacon arrow as opposed to a target position, determine whether the fired artillery hit.

    Image processing including large beacon arrow target identification and target recognition. In large beacon arrow recognition, and image Hough transform is applied to preprocessing the image geometric transformation, briefly analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of template matching algorithm, and proposes a kind of binary image template matching algorithm, has a good effect on the matching speed. In terms of target recognition, first to edge detection of target, and make a series of image processing, to find a target surface with rectangle, detection of size. According to the relative position of target surface and the big beacon vertex can determine hit or not.

    Image processing is under the environment of vc + + compiled based on the OpenCV library library to realize the basic function of system, this topic research and comprehensive treatment of numerous experimental image, shows that this software can be the great beacon arrow of the 2000 m range and target to compare accurate target positioning, at the same time meet the requirements of real-time, in certain cases, the basic realization of the automatic testing and interpretation.

    Key words: Image segmentation, character recognition, template matching, image, the OpenCV library


    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题的应用背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状

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