


    毕业论文关键词: 热电堆  热流传感器  标定 


    Title   Electric Pile Type Heat Flux Sensor Is Designed                      



    Heat loss detection is an important indicator for the evaluation of energy conservation, and heat sensors to detect heat flux as an important device, it is particularly critical. For perse work environments, you need a wide range of heat sensors to detect heat flux. This article is based on a simple and feasible to design heat flux sensors.

    This topic is the study of the thermopile heat flux sensor based experiments to find cheap thermoelectric high resistance wire as thermoelectric materials with high strength sheet as a substrate material, the use of improved unit turns inside the area, improve the heat flux sensor wiring to improve the resolution and accuracy. Heat processing the signal through the amplifier circuit and the filter adjustment circuitry. Calibration method is adopted guarded hot plate and heat flow meter method to obtain the resolution and accuracy of key parameters such as homemade sensors for calibration process heat needed time to reach a stable relationship between the temperature coefficient of the sensor working environment and led to experiments the main sources of error are explored.

    Keywords    Thermopile   Heat flux sensor   Demarcate

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  选题的背景和意义 1

    1.2  热流传感器的分类 3

    1.3  国内外研究现状 6

    1.4  本论文的主要内容及结构安排 7

    2  总体设计方案 8

    2.1  总体设计要求 8

    2.2  热电堆式热流传感器原理 8

    2.4  本章小结 10

    3  热电和基板材料的选择 11

    3.1  热电极选材 11

    3.2  基板材料 12

    3.3  本章小结 13

    4  热流传感器测头的制作 13

    4.1  测头的线圈制作 13

    4.2  测头电偶的制作

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