
    摘要近年来,货运市场竞争日趋激烈,铁路货运站陈旧的布局已经不能适应激增 的货运量。在物流业迅速发展的背景下,铁路货运站怎样满足铁路运输能力的合 理布局;怎样提高货物运输的效率以适应城市的经济发展;怎样提高服务水平和 管理水平来吸引更多的客户,获得更广泛的经济利益;怎样为以铁路运输为主的 物流行业提供更加良好的外部环境。因此,对其有整体的布局做出科学的安排就 显得非常重要。69958

    在本论文中,首先对当前国内外的物流集散地的发展里程做了一定的了解和 分析,进而阐述了铁路物流的相关理论知识。同时本文在分析的基础上得出了对 铁路物流中心进行规划的目的和基本原则,以及设计的主要步骤和内容。在本论 文中,铁路物流中心的布局采用模拟退火算法进行优化。使用 MATLAB 软件对 铁路物流中心各功能区的布局进行合理的仿真分析,得出了较为有效的效果。

    该论文有图 9 幅,表 9 个,参考文献 21 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:铁路物流中心 规划布局理论 模拟退火算法 仿真

    Study on the Layout of the Functional Area of Railway Logistics Center

    Abstract In recent years, there is increasingly fierce competition in the freight market, and the old layout of railway freight station cannot adapt to the exploding volume of freight traffic. Under the background of the rapid development in the logistics industry, there exists several important issues: how to enable the railway freight station to meet the reasonable layout of railway transport capacity; how to  improve the efficiency of cargo transportation to adapt to the development of urban economy, how to improve the level of service and management to attract more customers, get the wider economic benefits; how to provide more favorable external environment for the railway transportation logistics industry. Therefore, it is extremely important to make a scientific arrangement for the overall layout.

    In this paper, suitable analysis is firstly made to understand the history of current domestic and foreign logistics center, and then the basic theories and knowledge of railway logistics are elaborated. At the same time, this thesis gives the goal and fundamental principle of the railway logistics center, and the main design steps and contents based on sufficient analysis. In this thesis, the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm is adopted in the layout optimization of the railway logistics center. The MATLAB software is utilized to carry out reasonable simulation on the railway logistics center layout, and the results are desirable.

    There are 9 figures, 9 tables and 21 references in this paper.

    Key Words:Railway Logistics Center Planning Layout Theory Simulated Annealing Algorithm Simulation


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 VI

    变量注释表 VII

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景 1

    1.2  论文研究的意义 1

    1.3  国内外研究现状 2

    1.4  论文主要研究内容 2

    1.5  本章小结 3

    2 铁路物流中心及其布局规划

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