
    摘要列车定位技术在铁路行车安全中心扮演着举足轻重的作用,较为具有代表 性的有例如:查询—应答器定位系统、全球定位系统、无线闭塞中心和地理信 息系统等定位技术和它的组合导航定位系统,这些系统都有他们的特点和应用 范围同时也存在不足。69959

    目前存在多种的列车定位技术和定位系统,其中卡曼尔滤波在这些定位技 术中广泛应用。本论文详细介绍了包括 GPS 定位系统在内的多种定位技术。 GSM-R 在 GSM 系统上发展而来,该通讯平台在我国列车运行控制系统中广泛使 用。铁路监控中心为确保列车行车的安全可以通过此通信系统实现控制管理高 速列车。就此,本论文联合列控系统的目前状态,在基于全球定位系统技术等 列车定位技术上,提出了一种定位性能优于传统 GPS/DR 组合定位的基于 GSM-R 网络的位置指纹定位系统。

    该论文有图 17 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 55 篇

    毕业论文关键词:列控技术 指纹定位系统 组合定位 GSM-R 卡曼尔滤波

    Research of Train Positioning Technology Based on GSM-R Network

    Abstract In today's society, with the communication control technology, the rapid development of railway signal control technology and so on, the train control technology is also in constant growth. At present, in our country CTCS - 2, CTCS - 3 system, used in a variety of train positioning technology. Relatively typical of train positioning technology are: navigation prediction positioning system, global positioning system (GPS), geographic information systems and wireless occlusion center positioning technology and its integrated navigation positioning system, these systems have their own characteristics and scope but also have their own defects.

    At present there are a variety of train positioning technology and positioning system, this paper introduces in detail, including GPS positioning system, a variety of positioning technology. The karman filter is widely used in the positioning technology. As a separate kaman's filtering algorithm in this paper has a specific embodiment.

    GSM-R on GSM system and the communication platform for our  train operation control system is using now. Railway monitoring center in order to ensure the safety of train running through the communication system to realize high-speed train control management. The joint of the train control system in the current status, this paper based on GPS, DR and the weighted K nearest train positioning technology, developed a positioning performance is superior to the traditional GPS/DR integrated positioning based on GSM - R network location fingerprinting positioning system.

    Key Words The train control technology fingerprint positioning system Positioning GSM-R Kalman filter

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    变量注释表 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 国际研究现状 2

    1.3 本文主要内容 4

    2 铁路列车定位技术与定位系统 6

    2.1 GPS 的定位系统及原理

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