5.1.3 Evaluation of Alternatives and Purchase 21
5.1.4 Post-purchase behavior 26
5.2 Detailed Analysis of the Results 28
5.2.1 The difference of boy students’ and girl students’ preference on cartoons 28
5.2.2 The effect of concern about animation on learning of animation culture 28
5.2.3 The effect of living expenditure on consumption of animation products 29
Chapter Six Conclusion and Suggestions 32
6.1 Conclusion 32
6.2 Suggestions 34
References 36
Appendix 38
Research on University Students’ Consumer Behavior on Animation Products —Take Jiangsu Normal University as Example
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the rapid development of modern technology and the improvement of people’s living standard, people would like to spend more time in cultural and recreational activities and the cultural industry plays a more important role in people’s life. However, animation industry is an important part of the cultural industry with intellectual property and high added value and it is called the sunrise industry in the 21th century.
In China, animation industry has just grown up but the capacity of the market is rather large. More than 300 million children under 18 years old are potential consumers of animation industry. Every year the consumption of animation products can be more than 10 billion Yuan which is created by the young between 14 and 30. However, in the broad animation market, the main competitors of Chinese animation industry are from America and Japan. The most well-known American animation product shall be Disney which is popular among children and adults all over the world. Japanese animation also means to carter to people of all ages. Nevertheless, Chinese animation is mostly for kids and Chinese cartoon characters are mainly classical images from fairy stories.
The peripheral products of animation include not only physical products such as games, clothes and model toys but also cultural products such as music, pictures and books. Acrually, the peripheral products contributes a lot to the development of animation industry. According to the experiences of developed countries, 70% to 80% profits of animation industry are realized by the peripheral products.
Through the development of Chinese animation industry is behind America and Japan, Chinese animation industry which is a new creative industry has developed fast in recent years. In 2008, the amount of cartoons made by mechanism of Chinese animation increased greatly, an increase of 28% compared with the amount in 2007. In 2013, the output value of Chinese animation industry kept growing and exceeded 90 billion Yuan.
The animation industry tends to grow positively, but the demand is much greater than supply in domestic animation market. The main reason is that Chinese animation market focuses on the lower-aged groups. As a result, many young children may like to watch thel domestic cartoons but the elder teenagers and university students would not choose domestic cartoons. However, the university students have better acquisition of information and their own consuming concepts. Their consumer behavior can affect the consuming tendency of the whole young generation. The large amount of university students are also potential consumers of animation market. Accordingly, it is necessary to know the university students’ requests for amination products. The paper will focus on university students’ consumer behavior on animation products. Then, give some suggestions for the development of animation industry. 英文论文大学生动漫消费行为研究(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_44693.html