毕业论文关键词:汉代服饰; 色彩; 人文
Disscusion about the color beauty of Clothing in Han Dynasty
Abstract‘Clothing in Han Dynasty’ is the different from the concept of Hanfu.It refers to the costumes of the Han Dynasty Clothing ,that is, the concept we are going to discuss in this paper.In the Han Dynasty, people advocated black in the color of clothing,and the dress color basically shows a dignified and atmosphere,simple and elegantstyle style.Clothing in Han Dynasty carried forward the system of the Qin Dynasty,and it was not until Han Ming emperor era that the court had a complete stipulation.Clothing in Han Dynasty mainly includes several kinds ,such as gowns,straight-front robes,short jackets and skirts. People have different clothes by their different grades and occasions,and different costumes have different colors.It can not be crossed and it is a strict rule.It is worth noting that the dress color of various types of the Han Dynasty all contain rich , extensive thought and spiritual world.So, clothing in Han Dynasty has a knd of unique beauty,whether in rendering or in the collocation are too wonderful for words, and it is a bridge for people to study the ancestors ’spiritual world.This article will discuss the color beauty of the costumes in Han Dynasty on the basis of the dress material system and spiritual connotation,according to different classes.
Key Words: Clothing in Han Dynasty; Colour; Humanity
目 录
汉高祖刘邦灭秦之后,建立西汉,但由于经历多年的战乱,国力衰微,于是国家主张轻徭薄赋、无为而治。汉高祖也对服饰制度不甚了解,于是汉初服制度承袭秦朝旧制,把“袀玄,长冠”作为重要场合的通用冠服,这时期因汉初继承了秦制服饰,秦朝服饰尚黑,所以汉初服饰流行色是黑色。然而对于平时所穿的衣服、官民服饰并没有什么特别的规定和禁例,以端庄大方的色彩为主,体现着那个时代人文气息。到汉文帝刘恒时期,由于刘恒崇尚远古社会主义思想,追求天下大同的社会秩序,实行了修养生息的政策。多年的休养生息,政治经济开始繁荣,这时期的服饰文化逐渐兴盛,对色彩的情感要求也逐渐丰富,但由于帝后皆提倡节俭,所以常出现皇帝穿着面料粗糙的黑色衣袍,而京师贵戚、富商大贾穿各色考究奢华的绣衣丝缕的情况,有大臣向汉文帝反应过这种状况,提倡以儒学思想来建立服饰制度,但刘恒并无什么举措,也没有改变服饰的颜色。武帝时代为表示“受命于天”而“改正朔,易服色”,服饰依旧延续之前所流行的黑色。到了东汉光武帝时期,才具体规定服装颜色,以赤色为最尊,标明汉朝应有的“火德”。直至汉明帝时期,天子规定祭祀遵古礼,恢复“大珮制度”,朝服继承秦制,按四时节气更换服饰颜色,这便是汉代的衣冠制度。所在在汉代,服饰主流颜色是黄、黑和红色,不同色彩的运用于搭配与点缀能表现不同效果,这凝聚着汉代先人们的不凡智慧与高超技艺,汉代服饰色彩的美或古朴厚重、或端庄大方、或淡雅和谐,我们可以从这些不同凡响的色彩美中可以体会出汉代人们的思想与精神世界! 浅谈汉代服饰色彩之美:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_41963.html