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时间:2020-07-09 20:59来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In Chinese flower and bird painting art, with the potential of a distance and close-ink. The most basic principle in Chinese Painting Composition is the art of composition and brushwork, and "set Chen maneuver" is the most important part of the bird and flower painting. "Set Chan maneuver" that composition, the composition of the layout of the tricks is the key to the whole painting cloth potential. Western composition, more realistic. Chinese composition, pay more attention to the freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, painting is to me for this, take the initiative to manage cloth chen. Therefore, this paper analyzes Qi Baishi and Wu changshuo two masters of Chinese painting, "Chen cloth set potential" is used in the freehand bird composition, innovation may be grouped into two feature flower and bird: Chen set type and potential type of cloth. "Chen Chi disposition" to "line" of the gas, potential, the rhyme features, forms a coherent whole spirit of art, the composition of the expression has an important influence on our China painting creation and development.

Keywords: The flower and bird painting; Chen; disposition; gas

目  录

前言    3

1.“置陈布势”的中国画构图  3

2.“置陈”在花鸟画构图中的体现  3 

3.“布势”在花鸟画构图中的体现  5 

4.“置陈布势”在花鸟画中的运用  7 

结论    8

参考文献    9 

致谢    10 



在我看来,“置陈”是起始手段,“布势”是最终结果,中国画的势必须通过构图来实现。一幅画成败的关键就在于取势,而一幅画是否得势的关键又在于构图,“置陈布势”主要是体现在构图中,通过分析齐白石与吴昌硕在花鸟画构图中对“置陈布势”的运用,归纳出花鸟画出现的两个特征:置陈型和布势型。“置陈”是“布势”的基础,”置陈”的目的是为”布势”,要将二者有机结合的运用到构图中去。 浅谈中国花鸟画的“置陈布势”:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_56072.html
