关键词 司法独立 公共舆论监督 司法正义
毕业论文外 文 摘要
Title Judicial independence under the supervision by public opinion
The main purpose of judiciary is the flexible use of law by resolving legal problems. And the principle of judicial independence helps keeping the authority and professional of judicial actions. However, the judicature itself has also shortcomings. In practice, the principle of judicial independence often subject to the interference of other factors. Among these factors, the supervision by public opinion is, in help of the Internet media, gradually becoming the “fourth force” in addition to the state power. On the one hand, the supervision by public opinion can compensate for the deficiencies of the judicial system and control the use of judicial power; the other hand, along with the “trial by media” phenomenon, the supervision by public opinion also shows its inappropriate side. Therefore, how to solve the conflict between judicial independence and supervision by public opinion has become an important issue during the process of constructing the rule of law in China.
Keywords judicial independence supervision by public opinion judicial justice目 次
1 司法独立原则的含义及其历史渊源1
1.1 司法独立原则的含义 1
1.2 司法独立原则的历史渊源2
1.2.1 司法独立原则在欧洲社会的历史渊源2
1.3 坚持司法独立的意义2
2 公共舆论监督的含义和时代特征 3
2.1 公共舆论监督的含义3
2.2 公共舆论监督的时代性特征4
2.2.1 公共舆论监督的群体性特征4
2.2.2 公共舆论监督的非理性特征5
2.2.3 公共舆论监督的非专业性特征5
2.2.4 总结5
3 公共舆论监督与司法独立之间的冲突及原因分析6
3.1 公共舆论监督与司法独立之间的冲突6
3.2 公共舆论监督与司法独立之间矛盾产生的原因7
3.2.1 民众对司法程序的好奇心7
3.2.2 公共舆论介入司法审判的便捷化7
3.2.3 诉讼的参加人的对公共舆论监督的支持和利用 8
3.2.4 法官地位和权威的确立需借助“民意”9
3.2.5 总结:司法独立原则与公共舆论监督的冲突与平衡10
4 解决司法独立与公共舆论监督之间矛盾的制度研究10
4.1 对司法独立保护的制度现状——以中国、德国为例11
4.1.1 中国司法独立的制度现状11
4.1.2 德国关于司法独立制度的立法现状12
4.2 如何平衡公共舆论监督与司法独立之间的冲突13
4.2.1 树立司法权的“贵族形象”13
4.2.2 提高法官的职业能力13 论公共舆论监督下的司法独立:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_2385.html