摘 要:本项目占地面积为154468万平米,容积率为2.50,属于商住混合用地。此次可行性研究报告通过了解无锡市城市发展现状,城市总体规划以及对房地产投资力度等情况和近几年无锡住宅市场成长状况和住宅市场供应产品情况进行综合分析。再根据宗地现状及其周边商业物业配套等情况,参考各项指标,对消费者的需求分析,采用SWOT分析法,进行项目定位和项目概念规划,提出可比选的方案;分别通过项目盈利能力,项目不确定分析,地价的敏感性分析,得出项目开发的主要结论和建议,使房地产开发项目决策科学化、程序化,从而提高决策的可靠性,并为本项目的实施和控制提供参考。60187
Abstract: The project covers an area of 1,544,680,000 square meters, floor area ratio of 2.50, is mixed commercial and residential land. The feasibility study report by understanding the current situation of urban development in Wuxi City, the overall urban planning and real estate investment, etc., and in recent years, the growth of the residential market in Wuxi housing market conditions and product supply conditions were analyzed. Then according to parcel supporting the status quo and its surrounding commercial property, etc., refer to the indicators, the demand for consumer analysis, using SWOT analysis, project location and project concept plan, put forward a comparable election program; respectively, through the project profitability, project uncertainty analysis, sensitivity analysis premium, main conclusions and recommendations of the project development, real estate development projects to make scientific decision-making procedures, thereby improving the reliability of decisions and project implementation and control reference.
Keywords: feasibility studies, regional market analysis, project positioning analysis, construction scheme selection
1 概述 4
1.1 选题依据 4
1.2 设计项目概况 4
1.3 设计目的与要求 4
1.4 数据资料选取 5
1.5 设计重点和难点 5
1.6 设计实现可能性分析 5
2 设计依据 5
2.1 理论与方法 5
2.2 规范和标准 7
2.3 参考文献选用 8
3 设计的技术路线 8
3.1 主要方法 8
3.2 数据处理 8
3.3 计算过程 8
4 设计成果分析 11
4.1 设计结论分析 11
4.2 设计可行性分析 11
5 设计的价值 11
5.1 对专业学习价值 11
5.2 对今后工作价值 11
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1 概述
1.1 选题依据
房地产市场发展备受瞩目,一方面切实关系到民生,另一方面房地产在一定时期内作为国民经济支柱行业,对建筑业、房地产中介和物业管理以及建材工业拉动作用较大。对于房地产开发项目开发商而言,房地产投资具有前期资金投入量大、回收周期长,经营风险高等特点。当今国家对房地产的打压政策坚持到底,货币政策紧缩,项目决策一旦失误,浪费大量的人力、物力、财力,加重企业债务负担,会给开发商带来致命性的打击。 无锡市滨湖区原机床厂地块项目可行性研究报告+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_65581.html