摘 要:文言文是我国民族文化之根,现代社会众多致力于教育研究者的人们越来越重视文言文的教学工作,如何创新的设计并上好一堂文言文课,已经成为学者普遍研究和探讨的的话题。就当前文言文的教学工作而言,教师教授文言文的方式不尽合理:教学方式呆板,教学内容陈旧,更是缺乏古今的联系,而学生学习文言文的兴趣也并不高,被动的接受,丧失了学好文言文的基础,因此要求教师要学会反思,把新课标的理念真正融进实际教学过程中,设计出适合孩子们的新颖的教学方案,提高学生学习文言文的兴趣,提高学生的文化素养也提高老师的教学能力。4549
To the " Zou ji mock king coachable " as an example about high school writings in classical style teaching design
Abstract: the writings in classical style is the root of national culture in China, many researchers dedicated to the education of modern society, people pay more and more attention to the writings in classical style teaching a lesson how to innovative design and superior writings in classical style, has become a topic of scholars generally studied and discussed. In terms of the writings in classical style teaching, teachers teaching writings in classical style the way is not reasonable: the rigid teaching way, obsolete teaching content, but also lack of ancient and modern, and students' interest in learning classical Chinese also is not high, passive acceptance, lose to learn the basis of the writings in classical style, thus requires teachers to learn to reflect on, the concept of new real into actual teaching process, the design is suitable for children
Key words: the writings in classical style teaching; " Zou ji mock king coachable "; The new curriculum standard
摘 要…1
一、文言文在中学生学习中的地位和作用… 2
(一)文言文在中学生学习中的地位… 2
(二)学好文言文的积极意义 … 2
二、文言文教学的所存在的弊端… 3
(一)教学方式传统单调——师讲生记 3
(二)学习方式刻板枯燥——被动接受 4
(三)教学内容照本宣科——古无今用 4
三、《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》的教学设计 4
(一)教材分析 4
(二)教学目标… 5
(三)教学重难点 5
(四)教法学法… 5
(五)教学过程… 6
参考文献 11
《语文课程标准》把“认识中华文化的丰厚博大,吸收民族文化智慧”列为总目标之一,因此我国学者越来越重视对中学生文言素养的再教育,譬如在初中语文教材中文言文的比例约占20%,在中考分值上约占25%,而到高中阶段文言文所占的比例占30%-40%[1],可见文言文在中学生学习中的地位之高作用之大。 《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》为例谈中学文言文的教学设计:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_1286.html