Rural Primary School Students Extracurricular Reading Problems Analysis and Countermeasures
Abstract:Reading is an important way to acquire the knowledge.Forstudents,the acquisition of knowledge by in-class reading alone is far from enough and they have to gain more knowledge,broaden the horizons,cultivate the minds,enrich the emotions,improve the ability to read and write by extracurricular reading.However, atpresent,most of rural primary schools have not put the extracurricular reading in a proper place.Instead,things goes bad.Due to the restricting factors like regions, surroundings and conditions for running schools,there are lots of problems with the extracurricular reading for the rural pupils,which has a bad influence on the pupils’capacity of knowledge and obstructs the improvement of the effect of teaching.According to this,I will introduce the deficiencies with the extracurricular reading among the rural pupils by inpidual-case study through interview and documents.Besides,I will analyze the deficiencies and put some feasible resolvent forward.
Keywords:Rural primary school students;Extracurricular reading ;Problems; Countermeasures
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、课外阅读的内涵及重要性 2
(一)课外阅读的内涵 2
(二)课外阅读的重要性 2
二、农村小学生课外阅读存在的问题及成因 3
(一)农村小学生的课外阅读总量普遍偏少 3
(二)农村小学生的课外阅读环境不好 3
(三)农村小学生的课外阅读兴趣不高 4
三、农村小学生课外阅读存在问题的对策 4
(一)转变家长的观念,营造书香家园 4
(二)营造良好的校园阅读氛围 5
(三)加强课外引导 6
(四)培养阅读兴趣 7
(五)积极推进农村小学的图书馆建设 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“让学生变聪明的方法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读。” [1]小学阶段是小学生养成良好阅读习惯的关键时期,培养小学生良好的课外阅读习惯和能力是小学阶段的重要培养目标之一。在新课程改革的背景下,学生的阅读兴趣得到了提高,阅读能力也有了很大的进步,阅读水平也逐步提高,但在这大好的阅读形式背后,农村小学生课外阅读状况十分令人担忧。因此必须针对农村小学生课外阅读存在的问题进行分析,找出根源所在,并提出解决问题的策略,为农村小学生的课外阅读创造一个良好的阅读环境,使小学生在良好的阅读环境中受到熏陶和感染,养成课外阅读的习惯。
阅读,是指看或读别人写的文章,并领会其内容。[2]课外阅读的概念是基于阅读这一概念基础之上的对课内阅读和课外阅读,在阅读时间、阅读地点、阅读内容、阅读方式上的区别和划分。在辨析阅读概念的前提之下,可将课外阅读的涵义理解为:课外阅读是指在课内教科书之外,课堂教学的时间之外,学生所进行的各种阅读活动。[3] 农村小学生课外阅读存在的问题分析及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_32709.html