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时间:2020-05-26 11:41来源:毕业论文

摘要: 在教学中,表扬作为激励学生的一种手段越来越受到重视,教师更是把表扬广泛的运用到了课堂教学和班级管理之中。但表扬的方式不同,产生的效果也大相径庭。在小学课堂班级管理中,恰当有效的表扬不仅能使学生得到支持和鼓舞,增强他们的自信心、自尊心和责任感,还有利于构建和谐的师生关系,树立教师的威信,和良好班集体的创建和维持。我结合自己在淮阳位桥小学的实习阶段真时体验,就当下小学班主任在班级管理时存在表扬的滥用、表扬缺乏感情、表扬缺乏客观公正几种不当的表扬应用进行了分析,并总结出有效的表扬要做好准备、表扬要因人制宜、表扬要把握时机和场合、表扬要注意话语和效果四种应对策略。49768

毕业论文关键词:表扬; 小学班主任; 小学生; 课堂管理

Primary School Teachers How to Effectively the Praise of the Students——WeiQiao primary school

Abstract: In the teaching, praised as a means to motivate students is more and more popular. Praise is widely used by teachers in the classroom teaching and class management. But praise in different ways, and the effect is different either. In the primary school class management, proper and effective praise can not only make students get the support and encouragement, enhance their self-confidence, self-esteem and sense of responsibility, but also conducive to the harmonious coexistence between teachers and students, establish the teacher's authority, and to create and maintain a good class . I combined the true experience at a primary school in Huaiyang Zhoukou , analyzing several improper application about praise . I summed up four strategies :to be prepared for praise ,to master the timing and occasions, pay attention to words and effect of the praise, considering the characteristics of the people to praise.

Keywords: praise; primary school teachers; primary school students; classroom teaching 

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、运用表扬的重要性 2

(一)表扬有助于小学生身心的良好发展 2

(二)表扬能激发小学生的学习动机 2

(三)表扬有助于构建和谐的师生关系 3

二、小学班主任运用表扬存在的问题 3

(一)无端的滥夸奖 3

(二)表扬中缺少“爱”的情感 4

(三)表扬缺乏公正、客观 4

三、小学班主任有效运用表扬的策略 5

(一)表扬之前要了解情况 5

(二)表扬要因人制宜 6

(三)抓住表扬的时机和场合 8

(四)要注意表扬的话语和效果 8

参考文献 11

附录 12

致谢 13

小学班主任如何有效地运用表扬——以位桥小学为例 新课程改革提倡要多给学生一些鼓励和表扬,让学生在自信中快乐的学习。表扬是对学生的好的思想和行为给予肯定的评价,目的是让受到表扬的学生明白自己的长处和优点,并使其进一步的保持和发扬。表扬是一种积极的强化方法,是能够调动学生积极性的重要手段。[1]在淮阳位桥小学,许多小学教师都运用了表扬,可谓“天天讲表扬,人人讲表扬”,可是很多表扬收到的效果却达不到激励的效果。笔者针对该校班主任在表扬中出现的不良现象,进行了观察和分析。 小学班主任如何有效地运用表扬:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_52866.html
