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时间:2021-08-03 11:52来源:毕业论文

摘 要: 本文通过问卷调查、参考文献、数据统计等方式,将考察对象设为淮安市清浦区中学生,采用问卷调查的方法分析其体育日常活动和体育认识。研究结果显示:清浦区中学生具有良好的对体育活动重要意义性的认知能力,但是参加体育活动的意识不强,自愿参加体育活动的人数占全体清浦区中学生人数的比值较低,造成了实践与认识的矛盾。中学生参加体育日常活动的频率太低,参加时间正常,负荷量良好,相对高年级体育人口数量多于低年级体育人口数量。体育被动参与型的主体已成为中学生,他们缺乏自觉参加体育锻炼的主动性,运动的自觉性较弱,提出一些解决对策, 以期为提高淮安市清浦区中学生身体素质提供依据。70251

毕业论文关 键 词:高中生,体育意识,体育行为

Abstract:This article through the questionnaire survey, literature reference, data statistics and so on, the study will be set for Qingpu District, Huai'an City high school students by questionnaire survey method analysis the sports daily activities and physical understanding. Research results show that: high school students in Qingpu District is good for sports activities, which are very important cognitive ability, but to participate in sports activities of consciousness is not strong, volunteered to participate in sports activities accounted for the ratio of all the Qingpu District, the number of secondary school students is low, resulting in a contradiction of practice and understanding. Students participate in daily physical activity frequency is too low, in normal times, with good load capacity, relatively high grade sports population number more than lower grade sports people Export quantity. Sports passive participation subject has become a secondary school, they lack the consciousness to participate in physical exercise of initiative, weak consciousness of motion proposed some countermeasures, so as to provide the basis for Huaian Qingpu District middle school students to improve physical fitness.

Keywords:Senior high school students, sports consciousness, sports behavior

目  录

1 前言 4

2  调研对象与方法 4

2.1 调研对象 4

2.2 调研方法 4

2.2.1文献资料法 4

2.2.2 访谈法 4

2.2.3 问卷调查法 5

2.2.4数理统计法 5

3  调查结果与分析 5

3.1淮安市清浦区中学生体育意识的近状与研究分析 5

3.1.1 对体育锻炼重要性的认识 5

3.2.2 对科学健身方法的了解情况 6

3.2.3 中学生获取体育知识和技能的渠道的现有情况 6

3.2.4 对《全民健身计划纲要》的认知情况 6

3.2淮安市清浦区中学生参与体育锻炼的近况分析 7

3.2.1体育锻炼的频率 7

3.2.2体育锻炼的时间 7

3.2.3 体育锻炼的强度 8

3.2.4 体育锻炼的参与方式 8

3.2.5 体育锻炼的场所 8

3.2.6 体育锻炼项目的选择 9

4  结论与建议 淮安市清浦区中学生体育意识和行为的调查研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_79487.html
