    关键词  激光熔覆,有限元法,温度场,表面张力
    Title The numerical study of the flowing and solidification process of the melting pool in laser cladding     
    Laser cladding technology is now commonly used in surface modification. It is important to understand the influence of laser processing parameters on cladding layer. In this paper, the finite element method is used to simulate the flowing field and temperature field in laser cladding process. Laser scanning speed is taken into account. The effects of surface tension have been studied. Comparative experiments are carried out to verify the simulation. The results shows that with the increasing of laser scanning velocity, the depth of the melting pool get deeper at first, then get shallow. Increasing the powder feeding rate will lead the melting pool to be shallower. The surface tension coefficient has great effect on the shape of the melting pool. If the surface tension coefficient is negative, the width of melting pool is wider. The experiments results are agreed well with the simulation. The results we got will provide reference for the processing of laser cladding.
    Keywords  laser cladding, the finite method, temperature field, surface tension
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  激光熔覆    1
    1.1.1  激光熔覆技术简介    1
    1.1.2  激光熔覆工艺简介    1
    1.1.3  激光熔覆模拟简介    2
    1.2 基材与熔覆材料的选取    3
    1.2.1 熔覆粉末Ni60    3
    1.2.2基体材料不锈钢304    3
    1.2.3 Ni60粉末的表面改性作用    3
    2  数值模拟    方法    4
    2.1 有限元法    4
    2.2  控制方程及边界条件    5
    2.3软件模块    7
    2.3.1 Fluent优点    7
    2.3.2 Fluent求解过程    7
    2.4  焓值处理    8
    3 激光熔覆过程的数值模拟    9
    3.1  数值模型    9
    3.1.1 模型建立    9
    3.1.2 材料与模型参数    9
    3.1.3 生死单元法    11
    3.2  激光熔覆中熔池的形成过程    11
    3.3熔池深度与扫描速度关系    13
    3.4  流场的模拟    15
    4  激光熔覆实验    18
    4.1 实验设备与实验参数    18
    4.2实验结果    19
    结  论    24
    致  谢    25
    1  引言
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