


    毕业论文关键词:浦楼; 传统文化; 新媒体传播; 品牌形象

    Pu lou soy sauce advertisements plan of Huaian district


    For a long time "Pu lou" by virtue of the advantages of taste and local source of production brought about by the reputation and consumer experience, in the past for quite a long period of time in the industry market in the status of an absolute advantage. But with the development of the times, in a long period of time to cover up the lack of effective measures to promote the disadvantage of effective measures to show, the product share began to continue to decline slightly, the brand development appears to be less stamina. At the same time in the face of the national brand of competitive products and the development of the new era of network information when the threat, "Pu building" products and brands are facing a severe test.

    We through and advertising the main in-depth exchanges and communication, combined with the advertising the main ideas and requirements and targeting the actual situation, in Huaian to soy sauce condiment market situation, consumer behavior, as well as the target population were detailed analysis, we created the marketing plan. We plan to the external characteristics of products to improve the image and then combined with reasonable and appropriate dissemination channels, to give the brand with characteristics of regional culture and food culture, and at the same time, expand the brand's visibility, to explore its intrinsic value to attract potential consumer object. Also under the background of modern times, conform to the trend, use the new media interactive communication, let the brand has a long history of coruscate new vitality, resulting from multiple levels to promote the sales market for the purpose of marketing.

    Key Words: pulou;traditional culture;new media communication;brand


    第一部分   项目简介与毕业设计创作分析说明 1

    一、毕业设计选题缘由与过程 1

    二、广告主和项目基本情况 1

    (一)广告主基本情况 1

    (二)项目主题及目标 2

    (三)项目思路 3

    (四)项目研究的重点与难点 3

    三、项目计划安排与执行过程简述 4


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