    毕业论文关键词: 动车组;三电平;变流器;数学模型;仿真
    Modeling Analysis AND Simulation OF Emu three -level Traction Converter
    ABSTRACT: High-speed trains as an important developing direction of railway transportation in our country, and the progress of the society in the development of a country is of great significance. High speed emu is the world's high and new technology integration, is iconic high-speed railway equipment. Through technology introduction and digestion and absorption in our country, greatly promote the localization of high-speed trains and the pace of innovation.
        AC-DC-AC drive system is an important aspect in our railway commute drive.AC-DC-AC converter include four-quadrant rectifier link, DC link and three-phase inverter link. The principle of AC-DC-AC locomotive is that transformer transforms the high single-phase AC voltage from contact system to lower AC voltage first, then rectifier transforms this AC voltage to steady DC voltage, finally converter transforms this DC voltage to three-phase VFVV AC voltage as the voltage source for asynchronous motor.
    As we known, the theory basis of researching Electric Motive Units (EMU) three-level converter system is mathematical module. Therefore, in this paper it sets up the main circuit mathematic model of single-phase three-level rectifier, switch model of diode clamped three-level inverter. The establishment of mathematic model laid the foundation for the study of various control strategies and simulation based on this three-level topology.This paper analyses the basic principle of EMU three-level traction converter in detail. Instantaneous current control algorithm and SPWM algorithm are presented to single-phase four-quadrant rectifier, and for the three-level rectifier SPWM principle carried out a detail analysis.
    Finally, this paper use of MATLAB/SIMULINK software platform, set up the simulation model of three level inverter system. Single-phase bridge type all control of rectifier circuit, three-phase bridge type all control rectifier circuit, three-phase voltage type SPWM inverter and three level converters has carried on the simulation research, such as and the simulation results are obtained
    Key words: EMU; three-level; converter; mathematic model; simulation
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
       1.1 课题的研究背景及意义    1
       1.2 交流传动技术的发展    2
         1.2.1 电力电子器件的发展    3
         1.2.2 电力牵引传动控制策略的发展    3
       1.3 本文研究的主要内容    3
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