    Based on the air purifier PM2.5 detection module software development
    Abstract With the gradual deepening of reform and opening up, economic and social development unexpected, at the same time, more and more people pay attention to increasingly serious pollution of the living environment. Began to use high-tech products timely on the living environment of detection, so as to understand the state of the environment in a timely manner. With the rapid development of MCU, through the MCU development testing instrument is more and more small and persified, so using SCM technology is of great significance to design a small on air quality monitoring of PM2.5 measurement design.
    This paper mainly introduces the design of PM2.5 air quality measuring system based on single chip microcomputer. The sensor technology and the control technology of MCU , the air particle size of collection. The collected data through analog to digital conversion, and then transmitted to the MCU, through the MCU calculation, in the LCD display. The design of the air quality testing, improving the quality of life of people, encourage people to improve the environment, improve the health of the body, is of great significance, therefore very broad application prospects.
    Keywords: Air purifier;PM2.5;Sensor;Sensor technology;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    4
    1.1    课题的研究背景和意义    4
    1.1.1    大气与室内空气的污染现状    4
    1.1.2    空气净化器检测系统的发展趋势    5
    1.2    课题的研究意义    7
    1.2.1    PM2.5粉尘检测研究    7
    1.2.2    设计内容    7
    2    空气净化器检测PM2.5系统的整体设计方案    9
    2.1    检测PM2.5系统总体设计    9
    2.1.1    工作原理    9
    2.2    主要芯片介绍    10
    2.2.1    单片机    10
    2.2.2    传感器    13
    2.2.3    A/D转换器    17
    2.2.4    液晶显示模块    18
    3    软件部分设计    24
    3.1    系统开发工具    24
    3.2    总体程序设计    24
    3.2.1    主程序设计    25
    3.2.2    初始化程序    26
    3.2.3    中断程序设计    26
    4    系统调试    28
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