
    Our country “the integration of machinery” work duty

    Our country may summarize in the integration of machinery aspect duty is two speeches: A speech widely thoroughly uses the integration of machinery technological transformations tradition industry; Another speech is develops the integration of  15  machinery product on a grand scale, the promotion mechanical and electrical products renewal, the total goal is the promotion mechanical and electrical body industry formation, makes the contribution for our country industrial structure and the product mix adjustment.   

    In brief, the integration of machinery technology not only is promotes the traditional mechanical and electrical industry fresh blood and the source power, also is opens our country mechanical and electrical profession product mix, the industrial structure adjusts the front door the key.

    Sixth, our country develops “the integration of machinery” countermeasure 

    Enhancement overall plan arrangement, coordinated development plan   

    At present, our country is engaged in the unit which “the integration of machinery” the research develops and produces to be very many, each one all has a set of own development strategy, various units' plan as a result of respective standpoint, the objective point limit, only is considered unavoidably the local interest, various  16  department responsible for the work's related plan and plan, also some unification consideration insufficiency, the overall plan arrangement insufficient question, simultaneously lacks the comprehensive survey overall situation to have the authority development plan and the strategic plan, therefore, suggested various department responsible for the work charges the unit concerned in to conduct the thorough investigation and study, in the scientific analysis foundation, formulates manages the overall situation “the integration of machinery” the research, the development, the productive plan and the plan Avoids developing duplicates, produces has a collision!  

    Strengthened profession management, display “association” function

    „  At present, our country “integration of machinery” hot, but according to the present profession pision method and the management system, “the policy comes out of many doors” is difficult duo, therefore, our country has the necessity to be clear about one “the integration of machinery” the profession to manage the organization, according to the present country political reform and the economic restructuring spirit, as well as the integration of machinery profession characteristic, we suggested, strengthens Beijing Integration of machinery Association as soon as possible the construction, entrusts with its profession management function, “the association” must further expand the leadership organization - - council representative the stratification plane and the coverage, must strengthen the office, secretariat's construction; Must through its astute capable administrative body, the economic entity, the organization  17  “the profession” the development plan, strategic plan drawing up; The instruction profession stationing layout adjustment, carries on develops the breach choice, pays special attention to the priority project the experiment site and the related project loses one's temper, the tender work ......   

    Optimized development environment, increases the support dynamics   

    Optimization development environment to refer through the propaganda populace, creates about inside and outside one kind of society, the enterprise all takes, the support “the integration of machinery” the development atmosphere, if as soon as possible invests the development for the foreign merchant to our country “the integration of machinery” the industry to provide the convenience; As far as possible for establishes the development, the production integration of machinery product high technology and new technology enterprise gives the green light; With every effort for the development, the production integration of machinery product mixes the resources essential factor and so on.    

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