    Discussion on Perfecting Engineering Guarantee System
    Abstract. At the present stage,China's project guarantee system is not perfect,there are problems such as the same guarantor guarantee the owner and the contractor,the risk consciousness of the construction project market is not strong,the guarantee issued by guarantee agencies is not standard,and the guarantee rate of the engineering is not unified. Such serious problems have influenced the development of China's construction market,reducing the competitiveness of China's construction enterprises in the international market. Actual survey raised a number of recommended countermeasures, such as actively carry out publicity and training work,strengthen legislation and perfect contract management,combination of compulsory and voluntary implementation,actively cultivate the professional guarantee companies and engineering guarantee market,perfect social credit system and social security systematic,and determine the reasonable project guarantee fees to establish a correct sense of risk,aiming to further improve our project guarantee system.
    目  录

    1  绪论    1
        1.1 选题的背景    1
    1.2 研究的意义    2
    2  建设工程担保制度的基本理论    4
    2.1 建设工程担保的定义    4
    2.2 建设工程担保的种类    4
           2.2.1 业主工程款支付担保    5
           2.2.2 投标担保    5
           2.2.3 承包商履约担保    5
           2.2.4 承包商付款担保    6
    2.3 工程担保流程    6
    2.4 工程担保的市场组织    7
          2.4.1 银行保函模式    7
          2.4.2 注册公司制担保模式的市场组织    9
    3  我国建设工程担保存在的问题    12
    3.1 工程担保制度不完善    12
          3.1.1 政府推行担保制度的力度欠缺    12
          3.1.2 担保人市场尚未形成    12
          3.1.3 工程保证担保机构专业性不强    13
          3.1.4 一些实践工作面临的现实问题    13
       3.2 工程担保法律法规不健全    13
          3.2.1 我国有关工程担保的法律框架    13
          3.2.2 未对工程建设担保的特殊性作出规定    14
          3.2.3 缺少担保机构组织法的立法    14
          3.2.4 执法观念落后    14
    3.3 工程担保市场标准不规范    15
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