    摘  要:婚姻是家庭组成的前提,而家庭是社会的基本单位,由此可见,婚姻也是社会发展的基础之一。从古至今,婚姻的存在也创造了婚姻制度的出现,且婚姻制度随着社会的发展变化不断改变以适应社会的需要。在中国法制史上,西周的婚姻制度已经发展的相当完备,它属于中国古代社会最早完备的婚姻制度。西周的婚姻制度推行一夫一妻的基本原则,婚姻关系的缔结要有“父母之命,媒妁之言”,严格禁止同姓结婚,并且必须经过法定的结婚程序,否则婚姻无效;对于婚姻关系的解除,西周明确规定了“七出”作为丈夫或夫家休弃妻子的条件,同时又规定了“三不去”来限制任意休妻现象的泛滥。西周的婚姻制度使婚姻更具有社会意义,奠定了后世婚姻制度的发展基础,具有深远的历史影响,其对现代婚姻的发展也具有一定的借鉴意义。38972
    Shallow discussion of the marriage system of the Western Zhou Dynasty
    Abstract: Marriage is the premise of family composition,and the family is the basic unit of the society,therefor,marriage is also one of the foundation for the development of the society.From ancient times to the present,the existence of marriage also created the emergence of the institution of marriage, and in order to adapt to the needs of society change and development,the institution of marriage also need change something.In the rule of law Chinese history,The marriage system has been developed quite perfect,it is the earliest complete Chinese marriage system in ancient society.The basic principle of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the institution of marriage is monogamous,The establishment of marital relationship need to "follow their parents order, the match-maker make a bridge",strictly prohibited the married of namesake,and must be go through the legal marriage procedure,otherwise the marriage is invalid;To the marriage relationship has been broken,"the leave condition of seven"as the western zhou dynasty specified by the husband abandoned his wife's conditions, at the same time provides "three-no-left" to limit the phenomenon of  arbitrary porces the wife.Marriage system of western zhou dynasty play a vital in western zhou society, lay the basis for the development of the later marriage system, has the profound historical influence, the development of modern marriage can also learn something from this  marriage system.
    Key Words: The western zhou dynasty; The marriage system; Principle of marriage
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、西周婚姻制度之婚姻关系的缔结    2
    (一)西周婚姻关系缔结的基本原则——一夫一妻制    2
    (二)西周婚姻关系缔结的前提条件    2
    (三)西周婚姻关系缔结的实质要件——婚龄    4
    (四)西周婚姻关系缔结的法定程序——751礼    4
    二、西周婚姻制度之婚姻关系的解除    5
    (一)西周婚姻关系解除的条件——七出    6
    (二)西周婚姻关系解除的限制——三不去    6
    三、西周婚姻制度的历史影响及借鉴意义    6
    (一)西周婚姻制度对历史社会发展的促进作用    7
    (二)西周婚姻制度存在的局限性    7
    (三)西周婚姻制度对现代婚姻发展的借鉴意义    8
    参考文献    10
    致    谢    11
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