
    Study on Fire Prevention of a Large Space
    Brief illustration of the design
    With the development of national economy in our country and the improvement of construction, more and more various kinds of large space buildings. Using functional complexity of these buildings, personnel-intensive, multi-fuel, fire hazard, the fire safety issues have become increasingly concerned for the world.
    Due to the large space fire protection design and construction characteristics determines its own common building. The fire design and technical specifications must be broken through which can meet the visual requirements and to achieve architectural modeling needs of the special needs and features of the iconic. Fire design of these has brought a lot of new challenges. Setting a reasonable fire system set is also the major issues related to people's life and property security.
    This design is mainly about automatic fire alarm system design and gas extinguishing systems of the civil aviation area control center in Shenyang.
    This design analyses the structure characteristics of the concrete and fire characteristic of large space buildings. Focusing on lots of expensive precision equipment in Shenyang regional control center, important data files and not timely evacuation of personnel, etc. The special fire control is analyzed, in order to design reliable automatic fire alarm system and gas fire extinguishing system. Automatic fire alarm system is generally made up of two main parts: the fire detector and fire alarm control unit. In the automatic fire alarm system, fire detector can monitor surroundings at any time. It is directly related to the normal operation of the entire system. When the fire broke out, the fire detector generation sent to the fire alarm controller electric-power parameters which changed by various non-power parameters in the fire. Its characteristic is analog transmission, following the various non-power parameters change. Fire alarm system controller is the fire command center. Fire alarm controller can supply power to the detector, and has the following features: probe signal can be received and converted into sound, optical alarm signal, instructions on fire site and recording alarm message. Automatic fire extinguishing equipment and fire control equipment can be started by fire alarm signal transmitting device or through automatic fire extinguishing control device. Monitoring the operation of the system correctly and giving sound and light alarm when a specific fault automatically. This design is mainly study the types of fire detectors and compare the performance of the common fire detectors, listed the new fire detection and alarm systems according to domestic space for large architectural features. At the same time, it introduced the classification of the fire alarm controller and its working principle. Then according to the level of protection area control center, most cable insulation coat of the internal components of the high-voltage power distribution equipment use carbolic fiber, PVC and other flammable materials. There are many paper files, disk, tape in the equipment archives. According to the fires happened in UPS room bring out the loss of the information and data, and information service interruptions which caused incalculable loss, we selects the suction type smoke detection system. After the alarm region and detection region pided, the fire detector protection area and the radius protecting researched, and number of fire detector calculated, the design of the automatic fire alarm system just getting started. Meanwhile, it set up the system equipment (manual fire alarm button, the display panel and the sound and light alarm settings), fire linkage, and the mounting position of the fire detector has been described. Produce automatic fire alarm plan.
    According to the combustion theory, people use fire extinguishing agent is generally one of the following: water, carbon dioxide, foam. Comparatively speaking, water fire having the advantages of convenient, effective and inexpensive is widely used. However, due to water and foam can cause equipment, some places (such as archives, libraries, Museum, precision instruments and equipment, computer room, etc.) should be used to gas and carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent. Because of the design object is a layer of middle part of the civil aviation area control center in Shenyang which equip with high voltage transformer room, the equipment archives and UPS room, I choose gas fire extinguishing system. According to there is a large number of high precision equipment, important data files in the room and other problems such as personnel not timely evacuation, IG-541 gas fire extinguishing system is selected. There are three kinds of gas fire extinguishing control mode. Three kinds of control way are namely automatic control, manual control and mechanical emergency operation. And this design adopt the three fire-fighting control mode. Moreover, the design contains some calculations on the basis of design including the protection of regional pision, extinguishing dosage calculations, pipe average design flow calculation, the remaining amount of computing systems, vacuum orifice calculations, process loss calculation, the nozzle orifice equivalent calculation, taking into account the pressure relief port, and determine the storage bottle and the number of sprinklers, model, and produce the system diagram of IG-541 gas fire extinguishing system and the arrangement plan, and list equipment type table of designed IG-541 gas fire extinguishing system.
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