
    英文摘要Structure is the skeleton of the whole building, to support the building and provide a platform for building modeling. Starting from the point of view of the structure, the structure is composed of different structural elements (beams, plates, columns, wall), structural members mainly under all kinds of load, according to the different structure system, structure of the building's internal force and external force transfer is construction of the premise. In architectural design, the need to solve the problem of indoor and outdoor environment, architectural space and modeling problems, and reasonable collocation corresponding combination of features, and through building model and spatial layout to choose and building the collocation of architecture structure selection. First the selection of structure to meet the requirements of building, followed by to meet the architectural space and other problems, then according to the selection system of reasonable layout, reduce the cost of the project, and try to meet the requirements of low carbon environmental protection.43239



    中英文摘要 1

    第一章  前 言 3

    1.1 本设计的目的意义 3

    1.2 设计依据和设计深度 3

    1.3设计要求 4

    1.4建筑设计 4

    1.41平面设计 4

    第二章  荷载计算 4

    第三章  建筑结构总信息(Wmass) 7

    第四章  周期、地震力、振型(Wzq) 19

    第五章  结构位移文件(Wdisp) 33

    第六章.柱下独立基础 43

    参考文献 89  

    第一章  前 言

    1.1 本设计的目的意义

    十九世纪末以来,随着经济的蓬勃发展,带动了社会水平以及技术的提高。 伴随着人民对生活水平以及艺术水平的追求,各种材料以及技术理论的发展,人们不再满足可住即可的建筑需求,越来越多不同类型、风格的建筑被制造出来。特别是钢筋混凝土技术以及钢材的发展和应用,使得建筑技术和造型发生了很大变革,很多建筑已经成为一个城市甚至是一个国家的标志,例如伦敦的世界博览会展览馆、法国的埃菲尔铁塔、埃及的金字塔`751[文"论'文]网www.751com.cn、中国的长城、美国的白宫、悉尼的歌剧院。另外,轻质材料以及高强度材料的出现,使得高层以及大跨度建筑迅速发展,带动了承重与非承重体系观念的改进,从而大大提高了建筑造型的灵活性和机动性。


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