    Accident analysis and risk management of construction
    Abstract: this paper describe statistical methods and classifications of accident and accident analysis methods. Having done some work about accidents of the construction in China and the death toll, figuring out the accident situation about construction in Fengxian, Shanghai. Transversal statistical comparison of chronological, in accordance with the portrait of the typical type of construction accident statistics. Emphasis is placed on the five typical accidents in the construction industry: high falling, electric shock, object to counter, mechanical damage, collapse, analysis these five accidents in detail. Such quantitative methods as fault tree, such qualitative methods as analysis about cause of accident, and some analysis about related accident cases. Using fuzzy hierarchy evaluation method for risk evaluation of a construction company in Shanghai, getting the company's safe production situation. Finally set out from five typical accident types, getting the countermeasures against the common accidents in the construction ,come up with some safety management for the enterprise of investigation especially in the most serious injure about high falling accident.
    Key word: accident statistics、accident analysis、response measures、fuzzy hierarchy evaluation
     目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景与意义    1
    1.3 论文主要内容    4
    2 事故统计与分析理论研究    5
    2.1 事故分类方法    5
    2.2 事故统计方法    6
    2.2.1描述统计    6
    2.2.2推断统计    6
    2.3 事故统计分析方法    7
    2.3.1 综合分析法    7
    2.3.2分组分析法    7
    2.3.3 相对指标比较法    7
    2.4 事故分析方法    9
    2.4.1 故障树分析法    9
    2.4.2 模糊层次分析法    10
    3 建筑行业事故统计    13
    3.1 我国建筑业事故统计    13
    3.2 上海市奉贤区建筑业事故统计    15
    3.3 建筑业典型事故类型统计    17
    4 建筑行业典型事故类型分析    20
    4.1 高处坠落事故分析    20
    4.2 坍塌事故分析    23
    4.3 触电事故分析    24
    4.3.1电击分类    25
    4.3.2 建筑业触电事故原因分析    25
    4.4物体打击事故分析    26
    4.5机械伤害事故分析    27
    4.5.1 建筑业机械的特点    27
    4.5.2 机械伤害的原因    28
    4.5.2 机械伤害事故分析    28
    4.6 典型事故类型分析总结    29
    5 某建筑公司的事故风险评估    30
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