
    关键词: 明珠湖污水处理厂;环境影响评价;影响预测4102
    The environmental impact assessment of Pearl Lake sewage treatment plant
    Abstract: There is no complete sewerage system in Pearl Lake District,the discharge of wastewater is in disorder,rainwater and sewage are classified,their main emissions rely on the natural osmosis of soil,or open channel from the exhaust pipe into the nearby river,Environmental pollution is relatively serious, so we need to build a sewage treatment plant.Before this, we need to complete environmental impact assessment of the construction project.This issue is the evaluation before the construction of the sewage treatment plant,including the following points:we through investiging, monitoring and other methods to realize the condition of the local environment,and compare factory location scheme and sewage treatment process ;We evaluate quality of the water ,air and sound environment ;And we make a prediction about effects during the period of construction and the effect after it was built caused by the pearl lake sewage treatment plant through using mathematical model and investigation analogy;Listing the contents and opinions participated by the public and the results of the survey;Finally, we put forward the conclusion and the suggestion including prevented measures planned and taken by construction project.
    Keywords: Pearl Lake sewage treatment plant;The environmental impact assessment;Impact prediction
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 项目由来    1
    1.2  编制依据    1
    1.3  评价标准    2
    1.3.1 环境质量标准    2
    1.3.2 污染物排放标准    2
    1.4 评价目的与原则    2
    1.4.1 评价目的    2
    1.4.2 评价原则    2
    1.5 评价工作等级和范围    2
    1.5.1 评价等级    2
    1.5.2 评价范围    3
    1.6 评价因子和环境保护目标    3
    1.6.1 环境影响因素分析    3
    1.6.2 主要评价因子    4
    1.6.3 环境敏感保护目标    4
    2.建设项目工程分析    5
    2.1 项目概况    5
    2.2 污水处理厂    5
    2.2.1 厂区选址方案论证    5
    2.2.2 污水量预测    5
    2.2.3 污水处理工艺方案比较    6
    2.2.4 厂区节能与消防    7
    3. 建设项目周围环境简况    8
    3.1 自然环境简况    8
    3.1.1 地理位置    8
    3.1.2 气候、气象    8
    3.1.3 地势、地貌、地质    8
    3.1.4 水文情况    8
    3.2 社会环境简况    9
    3.2.1 人口与经济水平    9
    3.2.2 产业状况    9
    4.水环境质量现状评价与预测分析    10
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