    关键词:广州恒大足球俱乐部; 职业足球;管理模式20100
    Analysis on the characteristic management mode of Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club.
    Abstract: It has been 20 years since Chinese football began its professionalization process and got some achievements. But in the last 10 years, Chinese football got a very bad grade. Until Guangzhou Evergrande emerged,Chinese football got the confidence again. This article will analysis the management mode of Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club, find its characteristic and research other football clubs can get the success through this way and give other football clubs as a reference. The emergence of "Evergrande Mode" is a milestone in China sports development, it marks the Chinese sports started with foreign standards, gradually from the system completely change to professional sports. It overturns the traditional way of sports development, but also broke the inherence of the system, so that the attachment of sports investment enterprises also received great impact, along with the ascension of the team scores increase brand value and popularity. But I am convinced that if evergrande continued his professional management mode, it will bring win-win situation for the fans, enterprise and China football.
    Key Words: Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club; Professional football; Management Mode;
    目  录
    引言    1
     一、绪论    2
      (一) 研究目的和意义     2
    1.研究背景    2
    2.研究意义    2
    (二) 研究现状和发展趋势    2
    1.研究现状    2
    2.发展趋势    3
     二、恒大足球俱乐部现状    4
    (二) 恒大模式内涵    6
     三、恒大管理模式特征    7
    (一)    国内外两支典型球队对比.7
    1.国外俱乐部:切尔西    7
    2.国内俱乐部:上海申花    9
    (二) 恒大足球俱乐部管理模式特征    10
    1.足球的产业化    10
    2.引援的制度化    11
    3.管理的透明化    11
    4.青训的高端化    12
    5.签约的规范化    12
    6.营销的合理化    12
    四、恒大的管理隐患及其对策    15
    (一) 恒大模式的潜在隐患    15
    1.停止大规模资金投入    15
    2.教练团队的延续    15
    3.非股份制俱乐部    15
      (二)解决恒大模式隐患的对策    15
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