    毕业论文关键词  非政府组织  慈善公益  江苏省20886
    Title   The plight of the Ngos in  China in  philanthropy
    and countermeasures research   ——Taking Jiangsu  Province as an example                                               

    Based on the development of nongovernmental organizations of Jiangsu in transformation period,  this   undergraduate thesis  explores the relationship between charity organization in our country and transformation of government functions and The construction of civil society. This paper selected Nanjing, Jiangsu Green Ribbon welfare agency as a research study case, considering the policy environment in Jiangsu also the specifical  feature of  non-governmental and  non-profit  characteristics, analysising of existing problems and difficulties during the progress of the welfare agency’s establishment and development .  This research aims to propose feasible strategies for difficulties and bottleneck, extract     instructive and meaningful experience to be reference of    philanthropy development for our non-governmental organizations.
    Keywords  Nongovernmental organizations  Charitable public welfare Jiangsu Province
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.1.1  我国慈善事业的现状    1
    1.1.2  慈善事业发展的瓶颈    2
    1.1.3  公益慈善与“中国梦”    3
    1.1.4  江苏省慈善公益事业发展的背景    4
    1.2  文献综述    4
    1.2.1  非政府组织研究基本理论    4
    1.2.2  我国关于非政府组织的慈善公益事业研究    6
    2  研究方法    8
    3  江苏省非政府组织慈善公益事业活动现状    9
    3.1  江苏省非政府组织慈善活动历史渊源    9
    3.1.1  慈善    9
    3.1.2  公益    9
    3.2  我国传统慈善公益理念    10
    3.3  江苏省慈善公益的传统    11
    4  江苏省慈善公益组织典型个案——金陵绿丝带公益社    13
    4.1 成立背景    13
    4.2  发展困境    14
    4.2.1身份合法性困境    14
    4.2.2活动经费困境    15
    4.2.3人才资源困境    17
    4.2.4社会的认可困境    18
    5  我国非政府组织慈善公益事业走出困境的路径    20
    5.1  建立健全相关法规    20
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