摘要改革开放三十余年来,我国农民工对经济增长所做出的巨大贡献是巨大的, 并且随着我国经济的高速增长,城乡劳动力流动速度也在不断加快。现在我国约有1.5亿农民工,其中大概有1亿人是新生代农民工,并且,新生代农民工的群体还在以每年800万到900万的速度增长,按这个增长速度估计,不出10年,新生代农民工的数量可能会突破2亿大关。这么庞大的群体,他们的就业情况是我国“三农”问题的关注重点,也是关系到我国社会稳定和谐的重要因素。根据人力资本理论,就业培训是劳动者提高人力资本,满足自身发展和促进现代经济增长的有效途径,但是目前在政府和企业的双重忽视下,我国的新生代农民工就业培训制度还不是很完善,新生代农民工的就业技能还不是很高,长期从事着简单、低级、重复性的工作,就业的数量和质量不容乐观,甚至产生了同时出现的“用工荒”和“就业难”一对矛盾问题。
关键词 新生代农民工 就业培训 政府
Title Research on the new generation of migrant workers employment training issue
——Taking Zigong City as an example
More than 30 years of reform and opening-up, our country peasant workers made great contribution on economic growth is obvious to all, with the rapid growth of China's economy, urban and rural labor flow speed is accelerating. According to statistics, China now there are about 150 million migrant workers, of which there are about 100 million people is the new generation of migrant workers, also, the new generation of migrant workers groups still to 8 million to 9 million annual rate increase, according to this growth rate is estimated less than 10 years, the number of the new generation of migrant workers may exceed 200 million mark. Such a large group, and their employment situation is the focus of "three rural issues" in our country, is also related to social stable and harmonious important factors in our country. According to the theory of human capital, employment training is laborer to improve human capital and seek an effective way to better position, but at present under the dual neglect of governments and enterprises, China's new generation of migrant workers employment training system is not very perfect, the new generation of migrant workers employment skills also is not very tall, long engaged in simple, low-level, repetitive tasks, the quantity and quality of employment is not optimistic, even produced at the same time the "labor shortage" and "difficult employment" a pair of contradictory problems.
This article start from the analysis on the related concepts of new generation migrant workers employment training, taking employment training of new generation migrant workers in Zigong city, Sichuan province for example, through the survey of 200 new migrants in Zigong city, analyzes the present situation of China's new generation of migrant workers employment training, employment training institutions operating mechanism, the new generation of migrant workers employment training, the existing problems and reasons, finally put forward some countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem, to improve the overall quality of vocational skills and combine awareness of the importance of the new generation of migrant workers job training from a strategic perspective, to improve and standardize the employment training system of new generation of migrant workers in our country, the new generation of migrant workers employment pressure into employment power, deciphering the "labor shortage" and " difficult employment" problem, speed up urban and rural labor transfer and the pace of industrial upgrading, promote the construction of the new rural construction and the development of a harmonious society.
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