    Research on Chinese female luxury consumption behaviors and Marketing Strategy
    ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of economy and the raise level of per capita income, the affluent population emerged rapidly, China is gradually becoming the main force of the world luxury consumer market. At the same time, the rapid development of economy is bound to make China become the one of important market for luxury goods of the world in the near future .With the rapid development of China's luxury goods industry, China female has become the driving force of the luxury consumption. In this paper, the author firstly talk about the present development environment of China luxury industry and the situation described, a detailed analysis for Chinese female psychological characteristic and luxury consumption behavior. Finally, combining the results of the questionnaire survey, the analysis of better and more comprehensive marketing strategy on Chinese female luxury marketing, providing clues and some inspiration for better understanding to promote our country female luxury consumer behavior and luxury brand operation ability.
    KEYWORDS: Chinese women; luxury; consumption behavior; marketing strategy
    一.前言    1
    (一)本文研究的理论意义和实践价值    1
    1.理论意义    1
    2.实践价值    1
    (二)中国奢侈品行业现状和形势    2
    二.理论基础    7
    (一)奢侈品的定义    7
    (二)奢侈品的特征    7
    1.个性突出    7
    2.价格极高    7
    3.产品数量稀缺    7
    4.品牌历史悠久    8
    5.满足心理需要    8
    (三) 女性奢侈品消费心理及行为特征..8
    三.中国女性奢侈品消费行为与影响因素    10
    (一)研究对象    10
    (二)研究方法    10
    1.文献资料法    10
    2.问卷调查法    10
    3.数理统计法    10
    (三)女性奢侈品消费的心理调查结果与分析    11
    1.女性的情绪化消费心理    11
    2.女性的从众消费心理    11
    3.女性的时尚性消费心理    12
    4.女性的攀比性消费心理    13
    5.女性的炫耀性消费心理    13
    (四)女性奢侈品消费者行为特征的影响因素调查分析    14
    1.心理因素    14
    2.个人外在因素因素    14
    3.社会因素    15
    四.中国女性奢侈品营销策略    16
    (一)中国女性奢侈品营销的产品策略    16
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