    摘要:伴随着城市化和工业化的推进,我国农村正发生着巨大的变化,本文主要以温州市永嘉县为例,通过文献研究法、社会调查法研究乡规民约对土地流转的影响机制,提出能够推动土地流转的有效建议。得到了以下结论 :在土地流入方不同的情况之下,受乡规民约影响,土地流出方会做出截然不同的决策。同时还发现,受乡规民约影响,村干部的往往无法发挥其作用,边缘化严重。研究结论:在土地流转中,需要强化村干部的功能,慎重考虑乡规民约的影响,针对不同情况引导村民做出正确决策。29511
    The Influence of rural land regulation on land circulation
    ——A case analysis of  Yongjia County, Wenzhou
    Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to study the influence mechanism of village regulation and agreement on land transfer, and put forward some effective suggestions to promote circulation of rural land. The methods used include standardized interview and case study. The results show that under the different conditions of the inflow of land, affected by the rural residents, the land outflow will make different decisions. At the same time, it is also found that the village cadres are often unable to play their role, and the marginalization phenomenon is very serious. Conclusion is that in the land transfer, it is quite essential to strengthen the function of village cadres, and carefully consider the impact of village regulation and agreement for different situations to guide the villagers to make the right decisions.
    Key words:village regulation and agreement; land transfer; influence mechanism; village cadres’action
    目 录
    摘要    1
    关键字    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    1
    二、文献综述    2
    (一)乡规民约和土地流转的基本内涵    2
    1.乡规民约的基本内涵定义    2
    2.土地流转的基本内涵定义    2
    (二)我国土地流转存在的主要问题    2
    1.为什么要进行土地流转    2
    2.我国土地流转存在的主要问题    3
    (三)乡规民约的现有研究及当代价值    3
    1.乡规民约的现有研究    3
    2.乡规民约的作用与价值    3
    3.乡规民约对土地制度影响的研究    4
    (四)文献总结评述    4
    三、乡规民约对于土地流转的影响机制    4
    (一)乡规民约对土地流出方的影响    5
    1.与附近村民的土地流转    5
    2.与投资商的土地流转    5
    (二)乡规民约对土地流入方的影响    5
    1.土地流入方为附近村民    6
    2.土地流入方为外地投资商    6
    (三)乡规民约对村干部行为的影响    6
    (四)乡规民约对土地流转的影响结果    6
    1.乡规民约对土地流转的正效应    6
    2.乡规民约对土地流转的负效应    7
    四、案例分析    7
    (一)研究区域基本概况    7
    (二)数据与方法    7
    1.数据来源    7
    2.研究方法    7
    (三)永嘉县的乡规民约    7
    (四)材料分析:乡规民约对土地流转的影响    7
    1.人情因素对土地流转的影响    8
    2.信任对土地流转的影响    8
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