    Study on Pedestrian Traffic Organization in Metropolitan Subway Transfer Hub
          --- A case study of Nanjing Xinjiekou subway station
    Abstract:Recently, with the population growing and the process of urbanization accelerating, there are more and more social problems such as lack of land resources, traffic congestion and so on, which also leads to the insufficient transport capacity of urban transport system, traffic jam and other traffic problems. Therefore, it is very important to develop a fast and efficient transportation mode. Urban rail transit, as an emerging urban passenger transport mode, has the advantages of large traffic volume, fast speed, safe operation, punctuality and environmental protection, and relieves the overcrowding pressure of other public transportation modes to a certain extent. The urban rail transit hub is the intersection of its transportation network, which is of great significance to the safe and effective implementation of rapid passenger evacuation. Among them, pedestrians are the main elements of all activities within the city rail transit hub. The various types of facilities within the hub need to meet the needs of pedestrian walking, having a rest and other activities. In order to achieve the purpose of rapid and efficient transfer hub, we should fully understand the behaviors of pedestrians under different types of equipment and facilities in the transport hub and know about the characteristics of pedestrian traffic organization. This paper will takes the Nanjing Xinjiekou subway transfer hub as an example to analyze the behavior characteristics of pedestrians in streamlines by analyzing the behavior characteristics of pedestrians and the process of passenger line of pedestrian traffic organization in the subway transfer hub. Secondly, the satisfaction of pedestrians in Xinjiekou subway transfer hub will be studied. It will analyze the service level of integrated transportation hub by the satisfaction degree of pedestrian to transfer service, and finally tare put forward the suggestions for improvement.
    Key words: Subway transfer hub; pedestrian traffic organization; Traffic characteristics;Satisfactio
    目  录
    Key words 1
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