    关键词  粉丝经济    自媒体    互联网思文    口碑
    Title Research on the economic effect fans of Xiaomi mobile marketing                                      
    Established in April 2010 Xiaomi technology companies in the absence of a lot of advertising with incredible speed occupied the smart phone market, behind the phenomenon of Xiaomi is mobile Internet depth changes, and Xiaomi powerful and efficient marketing system are inseparable. The Xiaomi from inception to now launched products and organized activities were more comprehensive analysis, summarized mi-fans economic formation factors, reveals the network marketing powerful propagation and interaction of, and try to find out in the thinking of the Internet marketing network fans of the direction of economic development, is a traditional industry of Internet transformation or to friends of marketing innovation and provide a reference.
    The focus of this paper is pided into three parts: the first part is the fourth chapter of this paper, this chapter in the thinking of the Internet Xiaomi unique marketing methods, and the use of relevant theoretical knowledge of the success of in-depth analysis; the second part is the fifth chapter, this chapter focuses on in almost no advertising in the Xiaomi how to do from the media, through the carrier of which thinking on the Internet for efficient communication, and from the "interaction and high-efficiency, accurate positioning, creative advertising and other aspects, combined with the previous chapter of marketing, of Xiaomi by reputation to achieve economic effect of fans formed mechanism.
    Keywords  Fans economy    We media    Internet thinking    Word of mouth
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究内容    2
    1.3  研究目的和意义    3
    2  相关理论综述    4
    2.1  粉丝经济    4
    2.2  互联网思文    4
    2.3  口碑效应    5
    2.4  自媒体传播    5
    3  小米手机粉丝营销背景分析    6
    3.1  我国移动互联网及智能手机行业状况    6
    3.2  消费者分析    8
    3.3  小米公司发展与产品分析    8
    4  小米公司营销模式分析    12
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