    摘  要:随着互联网经济不断发展完善,逐渐改变了企业的运作方式和经营理念,网络营销也成为传统营销理念与互联网结合的产物。近年来网络营销进入实质性发展和应用时期。网络营销服务市场逐渐形成,网络广告也发生巨大的改变,广告形式多样化,媒体技术越来越先进,网络营销成为企业整体营销战略的重要组成部分。病毒式营销充分利用网络信息传播的便利性,进行爆炸式信息传递,快速实现企业的商业目标。因此,病毒式营销已成为商家优先考虑的选择。结合当前的企业竞争日趋激烈的现状,企业在实施病毒式营销时,必须进行精心的策划。在病毒式营销的理论来源、概念、特点、成功要素和运行模式等理论的基础上,结合病毒式营销的经典案例,提出了在实施病毒式营销中应该注意哪些问题。30331
    Research on The Operation Mode of Viral Marketing
    Abstract: With the constant development of the Internet economy,the way of enterprises’ operation and management conception has changed. Network marketing has become the product of traditional marketing theory combined with the Internet. In recent years, the network marketing goes into the substantive development and application period.The network marketing service market gradually formed, and the network advertisements also have huge changes. The forms of the advertisements are very rich. Because the technology of media becomes more advanced, the network marketing becomes an important part of the whole marketing strategy of enterprises. Viral marketing makes full use of the convenience of network information communications and the transmission of explosive information and gets the rapid realization of business objectives. Therefore, viral marketing has become the priority of businesses. Considering the current situations of the increasingly fierce competitions among enterprises, enterprises should plan carefully in the implementation of viral marketing. On the basis of theories, concept, characteristic, success factors and the mode of operation in viral marketing, it puts forward what the enterprises should pay attention to in the implementation of the viral marketing.
    Key Words:Viral marketing; Operation mode; Network marketing
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、病毒式营销的理论基础    2
    (一)病毒式营销的起源    2
    (二)病毒式营销的概念    2
    (三)病毒式营销的特点    3
    二、病毒式营销成功的要素    3
    (一)创意:制造有吸引力病源体    3
    (二)支点:寻找核心易感人群    4
    (三)杠杆:选择适合的传播媒介    4
    三、 病毒式营销的运行模式    5
    (一)互动参与模式    5
    (二)互动参与模式应用分析    5
    (三)人际纽带模式    6
    (四)人际纽带模式应用分析    7
    四、病毒式营销的经典案例    7
    (一)开心网病毒式营销推广    7
    (二)王老吉的病毒式营销    8
    五、实施病毒式营销应注意的问题    9
    (一)提供有价值的产品或服务    9
    (二)遵守“网络礼仪”    10
    (三)避免低水平同质化竞争    10
    (四)走出“免费策略”无利可图的误区    10
    参考文献    12
    致谢    13
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