    毕业论文关键词:  研发技术人员  福利  偏好  假设检验
    Title   Research on the welfare preference of research   and development technical personnel           
    Today, technological innovation and human capital are increasingly valued by enterprises. The research and development technical personnel are becoming more and more important for the enterprise. It attracts more and more attention of human resource managers that how to attract and retain these research and development technical personnel and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. In this paper, based on the research which related to the demand characteristics and value orientation of R & D technical personnel, we research the welfare preference of R & D technical personnel. Specifically, we collect data by the method of questionnaire survey, and find two conclusions: (1) R & D technical personnel prefer the welfare of traffic than other employees of enterprises. (2) The education, marital status and position have significantly impact on the welfare preferences of R & D technical personnel.
    Keywords:  R & D technical personnel  welfare  preference  hypothesis testing
    目   录
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景和研究意义    1
    1.2  主要研究内容与方法    1
    1.2.1  研究内容    1
    1.2.2  研究方法    2
    2  文献综述    3
    2.1  研发技术人员的特征    3
    2.2  员工福利    3
    2.3  福利偏好    4
    3  研究设计与方法    6
    3.1  研究架构    6
    3.2  研究假设    7
    3.3  问卷设计    8
    4  数据分析与结果    9
    4.1  描述性统计分析    9
    4.1.1  整体样本的描述性统计分析    9
    4.1.2  研发技术人员样本的描述性统计分析    10
    4.1.3  非研发技术人员样本的描述性统计分析    10
    4.2  信度分析    11
    4.3  研发技术人员与非研发技术人员的福利偏好比较分析    12
    4.3.1  住房交通福利的偏好分析    12
    4.3.2  员工保健福利的偏好分析    12
    4.3.3  文体娱乐福利的偏好分析    13
    4.3.4  教育培训福利的偏好分析    13
    4.3.5  研发技术人员与非研发技术人员对节假日福利的偏好分析    14
    4.3.6  研发技术人员与非研发技术人员对其他福利的偏好分析    15
    4.4  研发技术人员人口统计变量对福利偏好影响的分析    15
    4.4.1  性别对福利偏好影响    15
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