    关键词  机械制造  疲劳  安全管理  人机工程
    Title    Study of fatigue causes and control for operators in                     
     mechanical manufacturing process                                               
    The main content of this paper is to investigate and analysis fatigue of the company operators by the principle of ergonomics, the interview,questionnaire and working environment parameters measurement. And finding out the cause of operators  fatigue easliy in mechanical manufacturing process. In order to reduce the fatigue degree of operators and increase operators productivity, geting formation of the work fatigue and establishing the safety control measures. In addition, this paper also gives some suggestions for small and medium-sized machinery manufacturing companies, in order to reduce the degree of fatigue of the operators.
    The paper draws the conclusion:there are still obvious fatigue problem in machinery manufacturing enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises. There are still problem that the degree of automation is not high and work environment is bad in the machinery industry.Mental fatigue is one of the important factors causing the operator fatigue.The fatigue problem of women is more prominent than men fatigue problem, the enterprises should be appropriate to reduce the workload of women workers.
    Keywords  Machinery manufacturing    Fatigue   Safety management    Ergonomics
    目   次
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  研究背景 … 1
    1.2  研究意义 … 2
    1.3  研究方法 … 2
    2  研究对象介绍  4
    2.1  公司与车间概况 4
    2.2  研究岗位与被研究者  4
    3  作业者疲劳分析6
    3.1  作业者疲劳情况分析…6
    3.2  作业者疲劳自觉症状调查分析…7
    3.3  作业者心理疲劳情况分析10
    3.4  作业者心理疲劳、疲劳自觉症状与疲劳程度的关系12
    4  车间微环境的分析13
    4.1  空气温度…13
    4.2  空气湿度…13
    4.3  卡他度14
    4.4  照明…16
    4.5  噪声…16
    5  公司氛围与作业制度分析18
    6  安全管理措施19
    6.1  提高自动化程度19
    6.2  电路板焊接岗位轮岗19
    6.3  建立心理咨询室19
    6.4  提供班车接送…20
    6.5  改善车间布置和设施20
    6.6  增加照度…20
    6.7  适当增加库存…21
    结论  22
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