关键词: 老龄化;居家养老;养老模式
Community problems and Countermeasures of pension service -- Taking Shanghai city as an example of Chongming County Abstract:With the development of economy, the average life expectancy of our country continues to improve, "silver hair tide" is becoming more and more serious.New home care as a way to deal with the aging population in an effective way to emerge as the times require, the family as the core, community-based, professional services for the new pension by means of many need to perfect.The survey found, family play in home-based care services in the role better, while the role of unsatisfactory community, government and professional service teams play.To further improve the home-based care services must strengthen government support, for home-based care services and high-quality social workers, the integration of social resources, the construction of all-round service system.This paper mainly in Chongming County Shanghai as an example, analysis of its deficiencies, to focus on the present problems and learn from the foreign countries experience, to improve community home-based care services model in China put forward specific proposals.
Keywords: aging;home care;old-age pension mode
目 录
一、 绪论 1
(一) 研究背景 1
(二) 研究目的 1
(三) 研究思路 1
(四) 研究意义 2
二、 社区居家养老服务产生的背景 2
(一) 人口老龄化现状 2
(二) 三种主要的养老模式及其比较 3
三、 上海崇明县居家养老服务的发展历程及存在问题 5
(一) 上海崇明县居家养老服务的发展历程 5
(二) 上海崇明县居家养老服务存在的问题 5
四、 完善我国社区居家养老服务的对策研究 7
(一) 进一步明确社区居家养老服务的内涵,丰富完善服务内容。 7
(二) 加强为老服务队伍建设 7
(三) 统筹社会资源,拓宽投入渠道,确保居家养老服务的后勤保障。 8
(四) 建立健全相关法律政策 9
五、 结论与展望 9
(一) 结论 9
(二) 研究展望 10
致 谢 11
参考文献 12
一、 绪论
(一) 研究背景
老龄化已逐渐成为世界范围内不可阻挡的发展趋势,按照国际的通常看法,当一个国家或地区60岁以上人口占人口总数的10%,或者65岁以上人口占人口总数的7%,这样的社会即称之为“老龄化社会” 。按照这个标准,中国早在20世纪90年代末,21世纪初就步入了老龄化社会。
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