
    毕业论文关键词: 安全评价;危险源辨识;事故树分析法;模糊层次分析法;安全对策
    Safety Assessment for a Decoration Construction Site
    Design explanation:The task of this design comes from the tutor teacher , it was got through our discussion topics.This design was titled “Safety Assessment for the Decoration Construction Site”. Mainly for the more common major hazards in construction decoration project for safety assessment.
      Construction industry has now become one of the important pillar industry of national economy, at the same time, building decoration industry has developed fast, because construction decoration construction production flow is frequent, small monomer project work, packaging material sources, the project required a high number of workers and the decoration construction process is relatively complex, these characteristics determine the construction process will inevitably exist various uncertain risk factors, decoration construction process and the work environment is in a state of a variable.Because it is easy to manage negligence leading to the occurrence of safety accidents.And because of the workers' safety quality good and bad are intermingled, this is even more increase the unsafe factors of engineering construction site. Therefore, in order to come to an effective method of preventing the major risk to the construction site accident, this design USES the qualitative quantitative safety evaluation method to evaluate all kinds of major hazards analysis. Safety evaluation at present as the basic procedures and important means of production safety management, can effectively improve the essence of the design object construction site safety degree, in addition this design not only puts forward greatly reduce the content of the decoration construction unit method of safe hidden trouble, can also be of the same type of decoration construction site provides reference for how to prevent all kinds of major dangerous accident.
    At present our country for civil engineering projects and installation engineering have explicit laws and regulations to ensure the construction safety production, but not completely correspond to these regulatory decoration construction, even though the decoration construction accidents than in civil engineering and installation of these larger construction work accident is not so bad, but the accident types that exist in the construction process and some of the more complex, so the corresponding industry management departments should give enough attention to decoration construction engineering security, for decoration engineering construction site safety management tasks a bit not lax, objectively speaking, the scene of a decoration company safety management level marks the company's overall management level, also embodies the real power of the decoration company. So the safety of the site construction is important for the entire enterprise is self-evident, but because it now lack the clear stipulation, decoration construction safety production management standardization is the industry's sustainable development to solve the problem in the first place.
      This design according to the Shanghai hopson international square construction decoration construction site actual situation, put forward the common dangerous and harmful factors existing in the decoration construction process, and its hazards are identified and analyzed. After using the beforehand risk analysis was carried out on the site in various site construction operation risk analysis, and then the corresponding safety measures are put forward, and then using the method of safety check list of civilized construction, safety production management, production evaluation of three major parts of construction stage, after using quantitative analysis method of the fault tree is adopted to fall accident, mechanical injury accident, get an electric shock accident is analyzed, from the analysis results can be learned in the ways of preventing the major dangerous accident so as to take corresponding safety measures. Safety assessment method using fuzzy analytic hierarchy comprehensive safety assessment of the entire temporary electricity system, specific man, machine, environment and management from the four aspects of comprehensive evaluation of the safety level of this decoration engineering construction site. Purpose is through the concrete analysis of the accidents and safety evaluation method to choose evaluation analysis, take corresponding safety measures to reduce all kinds of safety accidents, reduce staff accident damage rate and improve the level of occupational safety and health . For the packaging enterprises in the future provide the basis for the specific work of safety management and template; More perfect enterprise safety management system for the future provide the basis of the detailed. In the specified level of safety assessment, the content of the specific security hierarchy make the actual level of decoration construction enterprise security management is the basis of the inspection and improve the aim and method. At the same time, for all kinds of safety evaluation system set for the specific work of enterprise put forward clear directivity. Overall, the safety management of the decoration construction enterprise can be strengthened and improved, therefore, and demonstrate its value in the future work.
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