    摘要: 随着我国人口老龄化的急速加快,家庭结构的变化,社会上现有的独居老人、空巢老人的数量也在不断地递增。尤其是一线城市传统的家庭养老和机构养老逐渐漏出缺陷,功能日趋弱化,资源日渐不足。本研究主要以上海市社区老年人为研究对象,了解不同老年人养老的需求与意愿,发现其存在的现状问题:未能因人而异提供养老服务、社区居家养老政策调整与衔接不够、社区居家养老服务评估机制还不完善、服务队伍专业性不够等。并提出相应的解决方法,即按需求分类出台不同养老政策和补贴、丰富养老服务项目、以量化实现资源的合理配置、制定服务人员岗位专业标准和操作规范。从而使这种新型的社区居家养老模式能成为适用于目前情况下的最佳模式。41093
    Research on the Demand and Solution of Shanghai community-based home care for the aging
    ──Hongqiao streets as an Example
    Abstract: With the rapid aging of the population and change of the structure of the family. The number of the empty nester becomes larger. The imperfection has gradually emerged in the traditional endowment pattern of family-care and the institution-care, which lead to the fading of supporting functions as well as the increasingly scarce of pension resource, especially in first-tier cities. This study mainly select the elderly community as the research object, to know the demand and will of different type of aged, to discuss the present problem: Fail to provide service different from person to person, the adjustment and cohesion of the policy are not enough, accountability mechanisms is not comprehensive, the service team lacks professional training, etc. Based on this, proposing the corresponding solutions : To introduce different policy and allowance according to different demands, to rich service project, to achieve rational resource allocation by quantification, to make service professional standards and specifications. Thus,to make this new type of community-based home care as the best endowment pattern in current situation.
    Key Words: Community;Aged-care at Home;Demand;Solution
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    1、 现实意义    1
    2、 理论意义    2
    二、文献综述    2
    (一) 国外研究现状    2
    (二) 国内研究现状    2
    (三) 文献综述(发展趋势)    3
    三、基础理论    4
    (一)马斯洛需要层次理论    4
    (二) logistic回归    4
    四、研究内容    4
    (一)基本情况描述    4
    五、实证调研    7
    (一) 调查方法    7
    1、 问卷调查法    7
    2、 个别访谈法    7
    (二) 调查对象    7
    (三)具体调查内容    7
    (四)调查结果归纳与分析    8
    1、 未能因人而异,针对不同老年人的不同需求提供对应到位的养老服务    8
    2、 老年人对社区居家养老方式的了解度和选择度较低    9
    3、 社区居家养老服务比较单一,内容不够多元化    10
    4、 社区居家养老服务的提供主体不够宽泛,资金来源渠道狭窄。    12
    5、 社区居家养老服务队伍不稳定,流动率大,缺乏专业培训    12
    751、完善的对策    14
    (一) 进行养老需求分析,针对不同需求的老年人提供相切实的养老服务。    14
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