

    关键词  农业保险;  财政补贴;  DEA模型;   效率评价

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Analysis on the efficiency of agricultural insurance subsidy in China                                              


    Since ancient times, China is one of the countries with the most serious agricultural disasters.The agricultural insurance as an important non price agricultural protection tool and an effective agricultural risk management method as dispersing the risk of farmers, compensating for economic loss, stabilizing income of farmers and improving the life of farmers  ought to give full play to its function.However, the subsidies efficiency of China's current policy-guided agricultural insurance is not high, the investment of industrial structure is unreasonable, the provincial regional gap is large, resulting in a large amount of waste of resources.This paper is through the DEA static analysis and Malmquist dynamic analysis to analyze the causes of the efficiency of China's subsidy is not high from the empirical point of view,mainly from the three aspects including the system analysis, scale analysis and comprehensive analysis to analyze and research.Finally conclusions are drawn that for the provinces increasing returns to scale should increase the intensity of government subsidies, for the provinces decreasing returns to scale should innovate something about institution, implement financial subsidy policy of agricultural insurance according to local conditions, recognize the existence of differences, implement differential premium rates and play the demonstration role of benchmark provinces. 

    Keywords  agricultural insurance; fiscal subsidies; DEA model; efficiency rating

    目   次

    1 引言1

    1.1 问题的提出 …1

    1.2 研究的意义 …2

    1.3 文献综述 2

    1.3.1 国内研究状 2

    1.3.2 国外研究状 3

    1.4 研究的主要内容和方法 4

    2 相关概念概述  6

    2.1 农业保险财政补贴 6

    2.2 农业保险的作用 …6

    2.3 农业保险的多种模式 …7

    2.3.1 联办共保模式 …7

    2.3.2 相互式保险模式 7

    2.3.3 共保体保险模式 7

    2.4 农业保险财政补贴的经济学分析 8

    2.4.1 农业保险的准公共物品属性 …8

    2.4.2 农业保险的正外部性 8

    2.4.3 供给需求曲线 …9

    3 我国农业保险财政支持的现状 …10

    3.1 我国农业保险财政支持的进步  10

    3.2 我国农业保险财政支持的不足  11

    4 农业保险财政补贴的效率理论分析 …12

    4.1 补贴效应 … 12

      4.2 补贴方式 … 12

      4.3 补贴规模 …13

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