


    Research on Anhui Linquan Electric Power Company Agricultural Electrician Salary System Optimization 


    Salary management is the modern enterprise human resources management of the key link, scientific and reasonable compensation system is good for enterprise attract high quality talent, motivate their enthusiasm, the realization enterprise and the goal of staff coordinated development, the promotion of enterprise's competitive advantage. At present, the scientific and reasonable compensation system at the county level in the part of the electrical power company agricultural salary management of basic blank, based on this background, this paper take anhui linquan electric power company agricultural electrician as the research object, and discusses the power company at the county level agricultural electrician the actual application of the compensation system through the optimization of the agricultural electrician salary system design, and the county electric power company agricultural electrician the main problems of the compensation system puts forward countermeasures. Hope that the research in this paper is caused by domestic enterprises, especially the power monopoly enterprises to the attention of the compensation system, and then for the power monopoly industries company compensation system at the county level agricultural electrician reform provide some of material, in order to pay for agricultural electrician management's research to provide the reference.

    Key words: electric power company; Agricultural electrician; Salary system optimization design

    目   录

    0 引言 1

    1 薪酬体系设计理论综述 1

    1.1 薪酬的含义 1

    1.2 薪酬体系的含义 3

    2 安徽临泉电力公司薪酬管理现状分析 5

    2.1 安徽临泉电力公司简介 5

    2.2 安徽临泉电力公司农用电工人力资源现状 5

    2.3安徽临泉电力公司农用电工薪酬体系现状 7

    2.4安徽临泉电力公司农用电工薪酬体系案例分析 90

    2.5安徽临泉电力公司农用电工薪酬体系存在的问题 10

    3 安徽临泉电力公司农用电工薪酬体系优化设计 11

    3.1安徽临泉电力公司农用电工薪酬体系优化设计的目标 11

    3.2安徽临泉电力公司农用电工薪酬体系优化设计后薪酬结构 12

    4 安徽临泉电力公司农用电工新的薪酬体系实施保障

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