


    Nanjing Cultural Creative Industries Research on Cultivate Intelligent


    With the development of the economy and the third industry expanded gradually, the cultural and creative industries in our country and province is increasingly and attention. Nanjing as the political, cultural and economic center, has the abundant human resources, location advantages and powerful economic comprehensive strength, the cultural industry and cultural market initial scale perfect gradually, but we should see it the existing problems and the insufficiency. This paper studies the Nanjing culture of the creative industry of talent training related problems, learn about the Nanjing culture industry of creative talents general situation, based on the national policy, foreign talent training experience, combining teaching human resources management professional knowledge, summarizes promote cultural and creative industries Nanjing of talent training, the main measures to speed up the nanjing the overall development of the cultural and creative industries, also can find the cultural and creative industries in talent training existing problems, and make corresponding policy, so as to better play to the role of cultural and creative industries.

    Keywords: Cultural Creative Industries; Cultural Creative Talents for the Industry; Talents Training

    目  录

    0引言 1

    1文化创意产业人才培养的相关基础理论 1

    1.1文化创意产业人才的内涵 1

    1.1.1文化产业内涵 1

    1.1.3文化创意产业人才的含义 2

    1.2文化创意产业人才的特征 3

    1.2.1文化创意产业的特征 3

    1.2.2文化创意产业人才的特征 4

    1.3文化创意产业人才的分类 4

    2文化创意产业人才培养经验借鉴 5

    2.1发达国家文化创意产业人才培养模式 5

    2.1.1美国文化创意产业人才培养模式 5

    2.1.2英国文化创意产业人才培养模式 6

    2.1.3澳大利亚文化创意产业人才培养模式 6

    2.2我国文化创意产业人才培养的现实路径 7

    2.2.1引入优秀人才 7

    2.2.2产学研一体化的教育模式 7

    2.2.3加强教师科研团队建设 8


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