


    Redesign Salary System of China Communications 2nd Navigational Bureau Engineering Co., Ltd.


    Sound and scientific salary system can help to reduce the loss of the enterprise personnel, to enhance the enterprise cohesion, and to attract and retain talents, so than it can improve the core competitive capacity of enterprises. The science establishment of enterprise especially state-owned enterprise salary system is necessary. This study adopts literature investigation, interview method and so on, using salary management and design of related principles of pay to analyse the current salary system of China Communications 2nd Navigational Bureau Engineering Co., Ltd. , according to the problems of the compensation system and from the angle of making the core competitiveness of the enterprises ,and from human resource strategy, position analysis, salary structure for the company designed a more scientific and reasonable compensation system for enterprises to reference.

    Key word: salary system; development and redesign; China Communications 2nd Navigational Bureau Engineering Co., Ltd.


    0 引言 1

    1薪酬体系设计的理论基础 2

    1.1薪酬体系 2

    1.1.1基本概念 2

    1.1.2薪酬体系 2

    1.2薪酬体系设计的理论基础 2

    1.2.1期望理论 2

    1.2.2公平理论 3

    1.2.3代理理论 3

    1.2.4薪酬再设计的基本程序、人力资源实务 3

    2 中交二航局工程有限公司薪酬体系现状及分析 4

    2.1企业薪酬体系现状 4

    2.1.1企业概况 4

    2.1.2企业组织结构 4

    2.1.3企业战略目标 4

    2.2企业薪酬体系现状分析 5

    2.2.1薪酬管理现状 5

    2.2.2薪酬构成现状 5

    2.2.3薪酬现状调查 5

    2.3公司现有薪酬体系存在的主要问题 6

    2.3.1薪酬水平过低 6

    2.3.2薪酬激励性不足 6

    2.3.3员工绩效管理体系不完善 6

    3企业薪酬体系再设计 6

    3.1薪酬体系设计的原则 6

    3.2薪酬体系设计的基本目标 7

    3.3薪酬体系再设计的主要过程 7


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