


    毕业论文关键词:网络游戏; 盈利模式; 商业模式; 腾讯

    Abstract In the promotion of a global Internet development, Internet penetration is increasing in China, and as an emerging industry the Online Games greatly boosted the development of the Internet economy. The profit model of the the Online Games has attracted attention of more and more experts and scholars at home and abroad. And they have done the researches  of the profit model of the the Online Games from different perspectives.

    The study of the profit model of the Online Games companies is helpful to the key competence building of the products of the Online Games companies and the development of the Online Games industry. This study makes a theoretical analysis model of the profit model of the Online Games companies base on the theory of the business model. And then the study takes the Tencent Online Games as the example to make an empirical analysis and come to conclusion. According to the empirical analysis, the author makes conclusions and give suggestions.

    Keywords: Online Games ; the profit model ; business mode;Tencent 


    摘 要 2

    Abstract 2

    一、引言 4

    二、文献综述 4

    (一)国外研究现状 4

    (二)国内研究现状 4

    (三)商业模式理论 5

    三、网络游戏产业基本概述 6

    (一)网络游戏的基本定义 6

    (二)网络游戏的基本类型 6

    (三)我国网络游戏的发展和现状 7

    (四)我国网络游戏的主要运营商 8

    (五)我国网络游戏主要用户群体 8

    三、网络游戏盈利模式分析理论模型 9

    (一)网络游戏的企业类型分析 9

    (二)网络游戏企业竞争能力分析 9

    (三)网络游戏企业用户群体分析 10

    (四)网络游戏盈利种类分析 10

    (五)网络游戏企业盈利模式总体分析 10

    四、腾讯网络游戏盈利模式:案例分析 11

    (一)腾讯网络游戏的企业类型分析 11

    (二)腾讯网络游戏竞争能力分析 11

    (三)腾讯网络游戏用户群体分析 12

    (四)腾讯网络游戏盈利模式分析 14

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