
    摘要从进入21世纪以后,社会经济进入高速发展阶段,人们的生活也因此发生了翻天覆地的变化。而在此期间,互联网与计算机的应用已经渗透到社会经济和人类社会生活的各个方面。最近几年电商产业的飞速发展更使得“网购”过程变得尤为方便与快捷。在电商产业的迅猛发展对传统行业的销售渠道带来冲击的基础上, OTO商业模式为大多数传统企业找到了新的商机。通过不停地摸索与探求,各行业结合自身的需求与实际情况,也不断摸索出一条适合自身企业发展的道路。本文将着重探讨O2O模式下给影楼(工作室)行业带来的影响以及影楼工作者是如何通过网络来进行广告宣传,拓展业务以及向消费者传递跟多有效信息。47806

    From the 21st century, the social economy has entered a stage of rapid development, people's lives and therefore has undergone enormous changes. In the meantime, the Internet and computer applications have penetrated into all aspects of social-economic and human social life. The rapid development of the electricity supplier industry in recent years have brought "online shopping" process becomes particularly convenient and fast. In the rapid development of the electricity supplier industry an impact on traditional industries on the basis of sales channels, OTO business models to find new business opportunities for the majority of the traditional enterprise. By constantly explore and explore, each with their own industry needs and the actual situation, but also continue to explore a road for the development of their enterprises. This article will focus on O2O mode to the studio (studio) the impact of industry and studio workers how to advertise through the network, as well as to expand their business with more useful information to consumers.

    毕业论文关键词:O2O模式; 传统企业; 影楼(工作室);网络宣传

    Keyword: online to office ; Traditional enterprise; Studio (studio);Propaganda

    目    录

    一、 引言 36

    (一) 选题背景和意义 36

    (二) 研究的基本内容和拟解决的主要问题 37

    (三) 研究方法及措施 37

    二、 文献综述 38

    (一) O2O模式相关研究 38

    (二) 传统影楼行业发展历史以及现状相关的研究 39

    三、 影楼行业开始注重发展线上客户的原因 39

    (一) 互联网行业飞速发展,各行各业抢占先机 39

    (二) 影楼行业发展走向成熟,单单线下宣传以及无法满足客户需求 40

    (三) 互联网大信息给了商家更大的机遇宣传自身 40

    四、 影楼行业在网络营销推广上的尝试及效果(例:湖州纽约纽约婚纱摄影) 40

    (一) 各大论坛上的宣传 40

    (二) 公众平台的运用,如微信公众平台 41


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