

    Abstract: With the development and popularization of Internet, the Internet gradually extended to all fields, and spawned a number of new development mode based on internet. Education, as a major factor in the prospects for the development of a national economy and culture as well as the international competitiveness, has been the focus of social concern. Due to the combination of Internet and education, network education appears. With the advantage of convenient education website, repeatable and has obtained the huge development. But then there are a lot of problems, the quality of network education have been controversial. The most controversial is the children's network education platform. In market of China's online education, the quality of all kinds of children's education website is not consistent. These questions haunt parents: Is the content of the website conducive to children's mental health? Is the site safe? Is the content of the website in accordance with the principles of education? Based on these problems, the author will analyze some children education website. From the point of view of children's education point of view, the author uses the AHP analytic hierarchy process to establish an evaluation standard. Then, the author uses the standard to evaluate all kinds of children's education web site, and put forward the corresponding optimization scheme.


    Keyword:Internet;The education of children;web site of Children's education; The evaluation system; The AHP analytic hierarchy process


    1. 引言 5

    1.1. 研究对象 5

    1.2. 研究内容 5

    1.3. 研究现状 5

    1.4. 研究意义和创新点 6

    1.5. 研究方法 7

    2. 儿童网络教育平台的概述 7

    2.1. 儿童网络教育平台产生的背景 7

    2.2. 儿童网络教育平台的发展现状 7

    3. 对儿童特征和教育内容的阶段性分析

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