



    Abstract Project bidding and bid evaluation aim to select the most able to realize the goal of bidders,so as to realize the value of the tenderer in overall optimization goals.Pre-tender preparation is an important link of project bidding,in determining the contractors in the process of playing the "business standard"role,accurate and reasonable pre-tender estimate is the satisfaction of the contractor,the winning bidder at a reasonable price to obtain the basis of reasonable profit.Only fully understand the role of the pre-tender estimate,understand the pre-tender estimate method, follow the principle and influence factors, can be produced in conformity with the engineering practice of the pre-tender estimate,make it play its role.But due to the important role the pre-tender estimate, also led to the current tenderer who adopts the bidding method of bid evaluation method, the tenderee effort on the price (business standard) of lay particular stress on, led to the bidder's center of gravity tilt on the base price (the price) drawn up by the tenderer, relatively despise technology and management of the competition between enterprises, violates the market tender and real value.Therefore, the pre-tender estimate preparation and bidding, bid evaluation method for further research has very practical significance.

    Pre-tender estimate compiled in this article on the current construction project bidding and bid evaluation method has carried on the objective analysis, and points out the problems existing in the current method, proposed to the pre-tender preparation and some useful methods of bid evaluation scaling method to improve, believe in the future to deal with the current bidding method to strengthen management, improve the level of the construction unit project management, so as to achieve the desired project construction three goals.

    Keywords:the tender;bid;the pre-tender estimate compiled;the bid assessment method


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.1.1 标底编制与评标方法问题研究的意义 1

    1.1.2 我国各种招标评标方法的特点分析 1

    1.2 国内外招投标中标底编制与评标方法现状分析 2

    1.2.1 我国目前招投标中标底编制与评标方法存在的问题 2

    1.2.2 我国工程招投标标底编制与评标方法与国际的区别

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