


    Research on the university graduate turnover in small and medium-sized enterprise of Yizheng


    The small and medium-sized enterprise is the national economy important development power of college students. and the rate of small and medium-sized enterprises’ turnover becomes a very headache problem. This article through to the small and medium-sized enterprises in Yizheng area college students questionnaire, the method of quantitative analysis to explore the relationship between College Students' employee turnover characteristics, organizational goals and objectives of the fusion degree, job satisfaction and turnover intention. The survey found, the higher education of students on the requirements of the work more, the turnover will be higher. There are women relative to men of less pressure, promotion, salary requirements are relatively low, so the turnover relative to men is not so strong. This paper aims to analyze the main reason of small and medium-sized enterprises of college students in the new employee turnover, the turnover of college students in new employees of small and medium-sized enterprises, to promote better development.

    Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprise; college students; turnover 


    0引言 2

    1相关理论综述 3

    1.1中小企业的相关概念界定 3

    1.2离职概念的界定及相关理论 4

    2.仪征地区大学生离职的现状及影响 5

    2.1 仪征地区中小企业的现状 5

    2.2 大学生离职的现状及趋势 5

    2.3离职带来的影响 10

    3大学生新员工离职存在的问题及原因分析 11

    3.1大学生离职存在的问题 11

    3.2大学生离职的原因分析 12

    4改善大学生新员工离职问题的措施及建议 15

    4.1企业应该注意的问题 16

    4.2 大学生新员工应注意的问题 18

    4.3 学校可提供的帮助 19

    4.4 社会可提供的帮助 20

    结    论 21

    致    谢 22

    参考文献 23




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